Why yes, there is a vast world devouring monster with its tendrils encircling all of us, and it's plainly visible once you notice it, and it's everywhere. But you come off as insane when you try to tell other people about it.

Is SCP-3125 an allegory for capitalism? Shit.

  • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
    3 years ago

    A lot of it is projection as well, another form of Capitalist Realism. If you're a STEM/adjacent person in the West, odds are you work in Defense, Oil&Gas, Auto, Aerospace (which rely on the first 2), or Tech/Entertainment (which makes money the same way tobacco or alcohol or gambling companies do, addiction).

    Regardless of what exactly you make, odds are someone down the line you come to realize that what you do for a living is based on either killing people, or killing the planet, or making people miserable by selling them more pointless shit to coerce them to keep working for the empire. So it's definitely possible for you to develop a mindset where you can't even imagine the things you work on being used for anything but Bad - prime example is how Silicon Valley leaders shelter their kids from tech more than fundamentalist Christians. You hear about AI, and of course your brain goes to "how are we gonna use this to sell ads, get people addicted, or bomb other countries"? Because that's what the capitalist world makes technology for.