Very topical from Garrison

  • Parzivus [any]
    2 years ago

    I know it's semi-normalized but it's pretty wild that Ben Garrison can just slap NWO and a big lizard hand on a comic these days

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    There's no feet emphasis or butts. This must be a fake.

    2 years ago

    every time i see the conspiracy theory of "the great reset" happening, the tone is always so confusing, as though they aren't sure if they actually want it or not.

    • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
      2 years ago

      all they want is to stay on top of the mountain of skulls. whatever they think the great reset is is fine as long as only other people are effected.

      it is really funny to see people who gnash their teeth at "you will own nothing and you will be happy" also shill for some metaverse scam tho.

  • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    2 years ago

    fascist conspiracy theorism continues to be the socialism of idiots. in their mythology, russia vying with nato and western capital for superpower status is reinterpreted as putin destroying the machinery of "the great reset."

    i have no idea why he's gold, but i think it might have something to do with these peoples' monetary fetish for precious metals.

    • Thomas_Dankara [any,comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      i have no idea why he’s gold, but i think it might have something to do with these peoples’ monetary fetish for precious metals.

      it's because Putin is allegedly trying to peg the Ruble to gold to get around currency devaluation caused by the sanctions.

      But yes, libertarians hate fiat currency and love gooooooooooooold.

    • enkifish [any]
      2 years ago

      i have no idea why he’s gold, but i think it might have something to do with these peoples’ monetary fetish for precious metals.

      Since the initial invasion of Ukraine in 2014, Russia's been steadily increasing their gold reserves in anticipation of being cut off from the dollar.

  • flowernet [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Stalin saw this coming over 80 years ago, and stole all that gold from Franco just for this moment.

  • ComRed2 [any]
    2 years ago

    I like how nutty right wingers found out about the great reset because checks notes a website was made about it, detailing what it's about, by the very people that apparently want to perpetrate it. So now they think they've stumbled upon some great conspiracy with their big sleuthing brains.

  • Trouble [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Garrison with critical support for countries attempting to build a financial regime outside the influence bubble of the American Petrodollar

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      It looks more like Ron Paul style gold buggery to me. But that seems to be the only way to establish a stable currency. Not something a Keynesian would tell you, certainly.

      • Trouble [she/her]
        2 years ago

        No of course, he's not based, he's cringe, I'm just joking around. His description is like, almost close to a critique of the US fiscal hegemony from being the global reserve currency, but then he loses the plot and starts selling NFT almost immediately

          • ProfessorAdonisCnut [he/him]
            2 years ago

            "I want the wealth I hold to just increase in value while it sits there, I'm too lazy to even invest it in the circuit of capital"

  • Elon_Musk [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    “Just a fly in the ointment. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the ass.”

    The New World Order steals Russia’s wealth while inventing new sanctions. Sanctions that Joe Biden said don’t work.One news event you won’t often hear the war drum-banging mainstream media mention is Putin tying the Russian Ruble to gold.

    This is a direct challenge to ‘King Dollar,’ which has been the world’s reserve currency for far too long. Other leaders have tried to avoid the dollar. Iraq went to the Euro in exchange for their oil. Soon after, the US invaded and Saddam Hussein was murdered. MAKE A DIFFERENCE- JOIN BEN ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! DONATE MONTHLY TO KEEP CARTOONS ONLINE! 100% FUNDED BY YOU! CLICK TO VIEW

    Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi wanted a gold-based currency. Soon after, the US bombed his country and Gaddafi was murdered. Now we’re seeing how the US would love a ‘regime change’ in Russia as Biden put it, but unlike bullying smaller countries, the US knows any direct attempt to take Putin out could lead to nuclear war.

    Putin plays 3-D chess. Biden can’t even play checkers because he’s too busy tracking down his jello cup.

    The Democrats who carry out the game plan for the New World Order oligarchs know Biden is a blithering mess and that interferes with their plans. After being shunned by Obama, I don’t expect Biden to finish out his term.


    By tying his country’s currency to gold, Putin has tossed a big monkey wrench into the turning gears of the globalists. If India and China go along with Russia, we could see some real fireworks. The New World Order needs the dollar to complete their plans to enslave the world by means of a digital dollar and a social credit system.

    Putin doesn’t want this. Like the recently reelected Viktor Orban in Hungary, Vladimir Putin is a nationalist who has the best interests of his own country at heart. By contrast, Biden hates America.

    Why else would he shut down domestic oil, leave our borders wide open, bring about massive inflation, and pepper us with dictatorial (and useless) Covid mandates? We need to stay out of Ukraine and concentrate on fixing our own country.

    A return to a gold-based dollar would be a start, but how much gold is in Fort Knox? Probably very little. There has been no audit since the late 1950s. Whatever gold was there has most likely been replaced with gold-sprayed tungsten, a metal that weighs the same as gold.

    Since we allowed private globalist bankers to take over our money system in 1913 and then systematically rob us blind, the US has been in the steady decline. We’ve lost too many lives through useless wars, had the fruits of our labor and our freedom stolen from us, and now they want to steal what makes human beings human by means of their woke nihilism. Check Out Our Shop- Special Prices on Books, Prints, Select Original Art- Click Today- Thank you for the support

    The Great Reset is a launch of globalist neo-serfdom where citizens have no freedom.

    We are to shut up and do as we’re told while pedophiles at the top insist we celebrate the never-ending ‘trans’ mockery. We will own nothing and eat bugs while the oligarchs own and control everything.

    Biden has already mumbled about how he leads the New World Order. Putin is one of the few who is standing up against those insane plans. It’s not that I admire Putin the dictator.

    I simply despise our own dictators much more.

    — Ben Garrison

    Based Gaddafi posting!

    • Marxist_Lentilism [he/him]
      2 years ago

      We need to stop The Globalists from enforcing a digital currency. Oh also hey while you're here, buy some of my NFTs

      • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
        2 years ago

        no but that's totally different bro it's not central banking bro it's defi bro the ledger is distributed it's fine don't ask why the exchanges and coins are all concentrated in the hands of the exact same people who dominate the fiat currency markets it's totally different

    • ComRed2 [any]
      2 years ago

      This mans veins contain more lead than blood.


      Just kill me now.

    • Circra [he/him]
      2 years ago

      You know I genuinely can't tell if this is legit or whether it's someone doing satire.

    • HornyOnMain
      2 years ago

      He really did just do the whole critical support thing at the end as well