Circra [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2020


  • Circra [he/him]tomemesI did a hot take
    2 years ago

    Yeah 90% of adult media seems to be 'streamline the plot and themes till it's as subtle as a lead brick and whack in some tits and people getting mutilated.' Coupled with the whole 'yeah things are bad but don't try to change them' which weirdly I think might just come from damn near every writer and director coming from an affluent background. Funny how they wouldn't want stuff to change even if loads of people are suffering.

  • Circra [he/him]tomemesI did a hot take
    2 years ago

    It's a very low bar indeed but watching Frozen 2 with my kid made me realise that it gives a much better answer to colonisation and exploitation of native peoples than almost all adult media that approaches the same subject matter.

  • Circra [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankAre we the baddies?
    2 years ago

    Why the hell would superman wear armour? Honestly if I was superman and impervious to everything except kryptonite I wouldn't even bother getting changed. I'd just fly in wearing jeans and a tshirt or whatever.

  • Watched rick and morty a bit. Struck me as the kinda show that relied far too much on the opening premise and kinda had nowhere much to go from there if it makes sense? Basically you could watch the first half of season 1 and be pretty certain the rest of the seasons would just be a rehash of it.

    Not saying that's a significant issue mind. It's a cartoon parodying sci fi shows and films which themselves aren't well known for stuff like character development. People esp early on though kept banging on about it as if it was way deeper and cleaverer than it was. All it was really doing from what I could see was taking a late 2000's centrist lib viewpoint to shit over the philosophical and moral questions posed by the sci fi it was parodying with a sorta 'baby's first nihilism' everyone is shitty message.

    I guess when that's your fundamental worldview it probably doesn't matter to you too much if you know or strongly suspect a co worker is a monster maybe.

  • Circra [he/him]tothe_dunk_tank*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    Yeah that's the thing. You can do your best to atomize people, suppress unions and all the tricks capitalism uses to stop people engaging with politics but when you get something like a pandemic followed by a recession people notice that their standard of living has plummeted and they start looking at the greedy bastards raking it in.

  • Circra [he/him]tonews*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    Imagine in any other context saying that if you gave back one thing you stole then everyone else you stole from might ask for their stuff back too with a straight face.

  • Circra [he/him]togamesBoard game rant: Monopoly sucks
    2 years ago

    Fun fact right. If you really, really trust one of the other players you can both have a pact to buy up to one and no more of each colour and refuse to sell under any circumstance.

    That way you can drag the game out into a pointlessly long and boring endevour for everyone around the table making sure no one ever brings up playing it again.

  • That's not too surprising really. While Labour and Conservatives (And republicans and democrats of course) are both effectively two wings of the same ruling party, the conservatives have always been much more blatant in their right wing social darwinism. Their entire thing is to appeal to people who are comfortably well off, have a mortguage etc. And are somewhat secure usually by appealing to their greed and fear.

    There really aren't that many milennials who have the level of financial stability needed that they'd believe the conservatives would benefit them and not target them.

  • Circra [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankHmm,
    2 years ago

    This guy is having an emotional affair with an AI chatbot. Tbh his wife's jealousy is the least of his problems and frankly I mean that in a genuine, not taking the piss way.

  • Circra [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankBig OOF
    2 years ago

    I think there's also an element of emotional immaturity (dunno if there's a better word?) A decent chunk of men seem totally incapable from moving on from being 13 yr olds making up blatant lies to impress their mates about fights they were in and girls they shagged (from another town, you're not cool enough to know them) and live with this barely concealed terror that people will call them on their bullshit cos they actually spent Sat eve hanging about Morrison's car park before having to go home early cos the second WKD made em puke in the ornamental flower beds so to speak.

    I have no idea if this pillock has all those cars, but I can say for absolute certainty that even if they are real, deep down they really don't feel real to him.