Thank you for Le epic gold.

I tip my hat to you, kind stranger.

"Generic TV or movie line a rich person said".

effort post about why your appreciation for a piece of media is more special than others.

  • StuporTrooper [he/him]
    2 years ago

    EDIT: Wow, didn't expect this to blow up. 100 updoots.

    EDIT 2: WOW, gold? Oh my god I am so shocked and grateful.

    EDIT 3: Guys, please stop buying me gold. I hate it so much.

    EDIT 4: I wear gilded chains, a king in name but a slave to my new role in society.

    EDIT 5: The gold continues to accumulate. I am now worth the GDP of a small European country. Society seems irrelevant, all that matters is the gold.

    EDIT 6: I have lost all sense of value from the gold. I am no longer bound by mortal realms or mortal thoughts. I see beyond the Pale, and it is horrifying. The gold had blinded me for years and when I stared into the Abyss, my eyes were not strong enough to look. I blinked.

    EDIT 999: I yearn for death, but have been made immortal. I exist in a state between knowing and unknowning, conscious and asleep. The world spins on around me, while I remain in perpetual stasis. For I have seen the end of all things it has seen me. I watch the world fall, cities turn to ash and mountains ground to dust. I could intervene, I could warn them off of their path to apocalypse. But I choose not to, for they would remain indifferent. For I remain indifferent. Life and death share no meaning but one: absurdity.