18,000,000,000,000,000 bytes of cowboys in the shower at Ram Ranch pictures
What's the story with this? Somebody tried to upload that image and it bricked the website?
the original photo is a massive :dprk-walk: but was heavily corrupted. someone uploaded it to the site just to see what would happen and it fucked up images for like a week or something.
also a lot of red states passing anti-LGBT and anti-abortion bills want people to snitch on their neighbors, teachers etc. and have systems in place where you can email them for that purpose.
Tbh the intern will probably delete the email. I doubt they care to get videos from their hogs.
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=10000 | zip zipbomb.zip -
That's 10MB. Add more zeros to
as necessary.final step: rename the zip file something sexy and you're ready to be a digital :a-guy:
Do you know what the proper name of that straight up line character is?
Probably the pipe symbol in this context but it seems like unicode just calls it "vertical line"
The file's zipped size is too small. Should be in at least the hundreds of megabytes area I feel.
Comrades I think it might actually work to send this to some of the dumber TERFs and right wingers. I mean shit, imagine making a fake account and sending it to JKR saying like "Those evil transes are telling my perfect straight little angel about gender!!! Here is physical evidence of an evil TRA breaking a law :(" and bricking her computer.
Or... Glinner. He might actually fall for it ;)
Anyone who succeeds would be fucking legendary