Robert Moses is literally smarter than you.

  • Quimby [any, any]
    2 years ago

    See, that's the beauty of arguing against progress. You point to what's already happened and say "see, the people behind this clearly achieved the best possible outcome! and if they weren't the best people, then they wouldn't have been the ones doing it."

    It's a tautology, and it's the same argument that's used to justify CEO compensation.

    I think a golden retriever would perform similarly to most of our CEOs, if not better. I have lots of arguments for that, including studies showing that little to any of a company's success is attributable to the CEO, the logic that one person simply doesn't make a difference in a company of tens of thousands, and so on.

    The argument against comes down to "if that were true, it would already have been tried! so we don't need to try it, because we know it's not true!"

    Which, again, is a tautology. And it's the same nonsense you're spouting here. "Robert Moses must have been smart. After all, he was chosen to make big important decisions. If they weren't good decisions, he wouldn't have been chosen! Who are we to criticize someone so important? So what if we have facts, and data, and empirical evidence that he was a terrible person with bad ideas? He was rich! How stupid could he be!"

    • jabrd [he/him]
      2 years ago

      My stoned ass thought this was an Elon musk copypasta about why trains are outdated and we need e-cars

      • Quimby [any, any]
        2 years ago

        ugh, I wish I were that funny. no, this is just a stream of consciousness comment about how "if you're so smart, why aren't you in charge?" is a stupid thing to say.

    • jjarri [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Cool, you shouldn't be allowed in the same position either. Someone should be but definitely not you.