Man a skirt actually seems like the most practical garment choice for an orgy
No garments at all might be easier but yeah, I know what you mean
Nah, a short skirt is really the best of both worlds, here. You have that combination of easy access and modesty going. Between that and some thigh highs for warmth, you're good to go!
Modesty has been no part of the 1.5 orgies I've attended, but I admit to not being the most experienced in this tbf. Tbh looking back on it and the amount of time spent in the bath drinking wine I think maybe I'd posit that water wings might be the one piece of attire I'd opt for next time
How can you read this and NOT sympathize with that stupid reptile. Like, the dude likes to party in its own terms, oh wow!
It reminds me of the dem congresswomen who was shamed because she was in a threeway relationship
I thought the issue was that she was banging a subordinate during the height of MeToo
Still shocking to me that Roger Stone was really dragged through the mud because he wanted hung Puerto Rican guys to fuck his wife. Not for all the horrific shit he's done.
How can you read this and NOT sympathize with that stupid reptile.
Mostly by remembering that he tried to call out his Congressional buddies not three weeks ago, claiming they were trying to get him to come to their coke-fueled orgy bacchanals.
Dude's absolutely shameless, and if those ladies are smart they'll wrap that shit up before they touch it.
this would be a good opportunity to remind liberals that they demanded you hold your nose and vote blue no matter who to avoid persecution of LGBT people, one of many promises they currently fail to deliver on
Their memory doesn't even exceed a week, if that lol
I don't think I ever go into a comment section on :reddit-logo: or Twitter and think "Boy am I glad I did that."
fr how do people not see this pic as cool and cute
like i dont like seeing the worst people i know doing cool and cute things
"we found a picture of dr. strangelove in drag. we're fine with him being a nazi, but we disagree with him being in a wheelchair, and in drag" - liberals, 2022
:morshupls: Libs explaining why this, and calling Putin gay, isn't homophobic.
Of all reasons he should resign, they pick him being fun at parties?
there’s probably tons of things to hate this guy for and I imagine this is the least of them
This situation has lead to libs trying their hardest not to admit that Cawthorn looks hot, chuds trying their hardest to make Cawthorn seem hot without sounding homoerotic, and stuck in the middle are a bunch of horny straight women and queer individuals hoping Cawthorn falls within their spectrum of queerness
Ridiculous timeline though I guess that goes without saying
stuck in the middle are a bunch of horny straight women and queer individuals hoping Cawthorn falls within their spectrum of queerness
listen.... i can fix him
Imagine not thinking this just makes him seem cool.
Which I hate, I don’t like awful people I hate looking cool.
this seems like they’re trying to point out the hypocrisy of his public views and his private affairs
why who cares his views are either wrong or they aren't it makes no difference if he follows them. I don't understand caring about the private lives of politicians
It's supposed to be an easy gotcha for democrats. Like "hey look, they're calling us deviants but they can't even live up to their own unrealistic standards." But usually what happens is people just have a disgust response to the act itself instead.