Notcontenttobequiet [he/him]

be gay, do crime

  • 41 Posts
Joined 4 年前
Cake day: 2020年8月25日

  • Notcontenttobequiet [he/him]toDrugsThe Kratom Guide
    4 个月前

    Does filtering out the particulates with cheesecloth lower the effects? I haven't done it in awhile, but I got red Kratom from a reputable source and steeped it for awhile in less than boiling water and then filtered it. Effects seemed to be varied based on the particulates or some other variables I wasn't considering. I took the same amount using a scale.

  • Notcontenttobequiet [he/him]totechnologyDO NOT CONNECT...
    5 个月前

    I'm going to assume the context of this is old machines that still run Windows XP or something that are connected to expensive equipment with proprietary software. We have these at my job and if a computer broke, we had to buy a Windows xp build on ebay because our IT department laughed at us and was like "this is not our area and you are not networking any of these pc's" I love the sign though haha

  • When I was in college, my group of friends were mostly libs and libertarians (I know) and the mother of one of these people once went on a rant in front of us about how Hamas and Hezbollah were going to team up and destroy Israel and kill all the Jews. After we left the house, I remember all of us just laughing at her and saying "what a fucking stupid take that was" despite not necessarily having the same opinions about Israel or having good opinions on anything else. But, we all knew this was stupid.

    Having not read the article or knowing much about Lebanon, I'm going to assume this is still an extremely stupid and desperate thing to posit?

  • Why are radlibs so impossible to get through to? I have a close friend who is like this, he's always so close to getting it (he has been great on Palestine to his credit) but always reverts back to NY Times brain and Democratic party shit.