Stay away from the World Socialist Site or whatever it’s called. It’s cryptofash.
Why do you think that? I find them to be a little bit sectarian sometimes ("In country X, only our small party of 20 people has a good political line, and every other leftist is petit-bourgeois/stalinist/opportunist/..."), but aside from that, they seem quite good.
Stay away from the World Socialist Site or whatever it's called. It's cryptofash. Also don't get your facts from memes.
Why do you think that? I find them to be a little bit sectarian sometimes ("In country X, only our small party of 20 people has a good political line, and every other leftist is petit-bourgeois/stalinist/opportunist/..."), but aside from that, they seem quite good.
They also take a line defending people like Harvey Weinstein. Don't know if that's cryptofash, but it's not good
I believe there was holocaust revisionism or something. I just remember it being extremely bad.
My primary experience with the site is paid trolls and cryptofash spamming articles from there to try and fit in.