If you follow Steph Sterling and their continued efforts to smash the games industries evils and capitalism in general... I don't know how you'd think they would like Musk.
I mean I don't know how people like Musk in general. But Steph Sterling liking him? Come-on.
This is the staw the make them realize that Sterling anti capitalist? Not Sterling going full hog with radical anticapitalism in all of their videos in the past couple years?
Gamers are not sapient.
Every episode they're like "I fucking hate capitalism, it has poisoned everything and not even games are fun any more due to its insistence on constant growth"
:is-this: "Is this a pro-billionaire YouTuber?"
Half their videos are literally “ayo fuck this billionaire here in particular” and pointing at Bobby kotick or whoever else
But Elonnnnn is better than those guys because he's le epic
It Elon ever makes his employees make a game the video from Steph will be glorious
Yeah but you see Elon isn’t a Billionaire. He’s just a billionaire. One of the good ones, if you will
Gamers on that cognizant suppressant treat train
I don’t watch their videos very often, but the last one I watched included them getting genuinely upset about how capitalism has completely ruined video games, a thing they really care about
Ya exactly. See any recent video and the contempt for capitalism is palpable. Usually through the frame of video games because that's their topic but it doesn't stop there.
But Elon is just so le epic he's not capitalism just because big money. He is cool and good actually. Some people are just deluded