:BibleThump: I wish to thank @happybadger @ItalianMessiah and countless others for their words of wisdom. It took my dumbass 3 months to get this done, never mind my previous failed attempts.

Does this flush look sad and pathetic? I have no idea, but these shroomies are mine and I am filled with hope that their potency can help me reach communism.

  • Zo1db3rg [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    For me it's all the sterilization for the grain jars. Even doing as much as I could I would still loose jars to thin stringy molds. I live in a very humid area where molds spores fill the air and the air quality rating for mold is ALWAYS high and extremely high. It's bad. Everything molds. So I had to be extra careful. I even had some uvc lightbulbs that made ozone and I would blast those in my sterile box for grain transfers. The second I was even a little lax I would get fucked. I would watch videos of ppl doing grain transfers with half the work I did and be fine and I was always so jealous. Locality is a big factor in how stringent you have to be with sterilizing your environment. I eventually got it down to where I had very few jars get contaminated but I just got burnt out on it after a while.