So I've only been playing MTG for about 4 years now, so I'm a relative newbie to everything, but to those of you who have been playing for longer, how often does it get this shitty, and how long does it last?? Formats are completely busted wide open, with Standard especially has been near unplayable for over half a year, Arena got predatory af, WOTC has been pricing up the game worse than ever, and the story got completely dog after Ixalan.
I don't enjoy playing Commander and draft has never really been my forte, so what should I really do? Invest an unhealthy amount of money into Modern? Just wait for things to turn around? I haven't spent a dime on the game since Throne of Eldraine and my wallet has been thanking me, but I'm still dissapointed as Magic had been a fantastic experience for me the past few years.
Is there any other paper card games I could be looking into rn? Honestly my experience with TCG's is limited to just Pokemon, Magic, and Hearthstone so I'm willing to try anything, it's just depressing to watch something seemingly fall apart so disastrously as this.
"Chandra had never been into girls. Her crushes -- and she'd had her fair share--were mostly the brawny (and decidedly male) types like Gids."
Eldraine was decent once green got nuked from orbit (Mardi Knights was a really fun deck). The Ravnica/WotS block was an unfun mess.
My biggest issue with ELD was that I missed the pre-release because I got hit by a car while riding my bike and spent the week in the hospital.
Holy shit man that sucks, sorry to hear that, I hope you've since recovered.
I never continued to play Eldraine after all the card bannings, partially because it felt like the meta was just to chaotic to try to keep track of, and partly because the groans heard from players whenever you put down a breeding pool became unbearable (Simic is my favorite color combo).
I was a total shitter in the Ravnica sets, I played Nexus of Fate because I found the concept of the deck fun, but I can totally see how lots of players found a lot of the decks in the meta unbearable.
Oof, yeah. In Arena I almost always dropped when I saw Teferi hit the table just because it wasn't fun to play against. I get why MTG got kinda fucked up during ELD (starting with that set they were working on increasing the power level of standard), but it was kinda annoying how they flubbed it initially.
Ikora was cool, but I can't tell if mutations are a good mechanic, or if it's just a gimmick. Battlecruiser creatures always seem like a bad idea unless you can get protection or hexproof on them.
Knee's mostly fine at this point. Two plates and 18 screws for the last year and I'm gonna talk with my surgeon soon about getting all that out.