This is the type of ghoulish shit you have to type and put your name to that gets you raises in civil society
It has strong "we ran a press briefing front the Pentagon through an AI story writing machine and this is the most intelligent thing it could produce" energy.
International policy also states you shouldn't aid genocide, so I guess the Defense Department errrrred first
What an insane take. "Wearing your uniform while self immolating is too political"
Meanwhile a third of congress used their uniforms while campaigning being racist, bigoted, war profiteers. Just need to boilerplate "Use of imagery does not reflect opinion of DOD" or some lame shit like that.
If I remember correctly the army manual or whatever is proudly saying that no american soldier has ideological lessons, unlike those damn commies/terrorists/whichever enemy is convenient currently
They believe in nothing, and like it.
I didn't see any support whatsoever. Most of them are open zionists, complain that it makes the military look bad, doubt that he's the one committing the genocide, or complain that they're going to get extra safety briefings.
The only allowed thread on the topic, 25 minutes ago (one day after it happened), heavily moderated to avoid politics. There's suicide awareness pandering and recommendations that you talk to the chaplain if you ever feel like self-immolating to atone for committing genocide. One says that "This doesn’t change anything. Israel will remain our closest ally and rightfully so." (+14) which is allowed under the no politics rule. A couple people call out Israel in sub-comments and they're downvoted. Another said "Kind of sad it had to come to this. If this Airman was willing to die for a cause then he should have volunteered to go to Gaza and work as an aid worker.", not mentioning that the aid workers are being bombed by the weapons that the USAF is delivering to Israel. Also allowed under the "no making fun of suicide" rule.
Our greatest ally! Ok so what does Israel actually do for us? know...stuff! Democracy or whatever.
According to my dad they are on our side in the race war against the muslamic hordes so we should just let them do their thing.
Military sub on reddit? I mean, it's helpful for gathering a list of defendants for the Nuremberg trials, but not much else.
That's why I archived their threads on the subject. Whenever the ash settles and liberals trot out the old "don't blame the troops. they were just pawns. they didn't support the decisions they didn't make." lines, the one airman to take a stance against the genocide was mocked for it in a way that's indistinguishable from the most Zionist or far-right communities' responses. They're universally enthusiastically complicit. The mods have to restrain them like feral animals to keep the subreddits from being banned by how much they hate the one dissenter brave enough to attach their name to it. The only comfort I can take from knowing they exist is knowing we're at most a few years away from drone videos of them being torn apart by their victims.
feral animals
The most apt description one can come up with. Their presence in society is a threat to public safety.
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I assumed the author killed himself in the act of churning that shit out.
Paid content.
Tries to distract from the message of Bushnell by drawing focus to a question nobody cares about or asked.
Exclusive use of intelligence and defense sources.
Check it out, the most blatant of propaganda you will find
paid content
you know, they just don't make propaganda lile they used to anymore. that stuff used to be free and they'd paste it onto the side of a wall for all to see. now you got to pay for it. what has this world come to?
Disgusting, craven mouthpieces for genocide who deserve nothing other than the gallows at Nuremberg.
JFC Google sucks so much that I can't find this article even by Googling the exact title
I found it by googling the first sentence.
The post included a link to a live-stream of his protest on the web-broadcasting platform Twitch, which took down the video for violations of its community guidelines and terms of service.
Shame. They could have monetized the fuck out of that display.
WTF. The fact that it's in all caps makes it even more MATRIXy.
The title of the article isn't visible in this screenshot; that's an ad (OP, you should be running firefox with ublock origin so you don't see that bullshit)
Bushnell aside, the US military is fucking ridiculous with this shit. (I say that as a veteran myself, unfortunately. Dumb decisions as a kid.)
Wearing your uniform to engage in imperialism and murder around the globe? APPROVED, GOOD JOB SOLDIER
Wearing your uniform to say maybe let's not kill people? TOO POLITICAL
Lee Harvey Oswald was actually a patriot because he didn't besmirch his USMC uniform by wearing it while he defected the USSR or engaged in POTUS deletus
Shut up, or you will be persona deletus as well
We need to indedture the crispy remains for a court martial, sir!
Make sure you slap a dishonorable discharge on that death certificate!
Some people truly just never grow out of being good little schoolchildren