If you ever want to like, watch a movie online or something together, I'm down! I don't really go out a ton or do stuff that isnt band related, and I've definitely been on the "hm yes I should probably get better about seeing people" train myself.
Thanks, I appreciate the invite, might take you up on it at some point. Does this site have, or did it used to have watch parties before or something similar? I could have sworn I saw something like that once, but maybe I'm just making shit up, lol
If you ever want to like, watch a movie online or something together, I'm down! I don't really go out a ton or do stuff that isnt band related, and I've definitely been on the "hm yes I should probably get better about seeing people" train myself.
Thanks, I appreciate the invite, might take you up on it at some point. Does this site have, or did it used to have watch parties before or something similar? I could have sworn I saw something like that once, but maybe I'm just making shit up, lol
Oh yeah, there are scheduled movies every weekend. Unfortunately never at a convenient time for me, but they most definitely happen!