Context: I haven’t been able to care for my yard as much as I would like over the past few months because we had our second child back in February and I’ve been single-handedly caring for the newborn and our 5 year old while my wife has been in the hospital recovering from postpartum complications. At no point has my yard been out of compliance with city or HOA ordinances, and at no point has anyone bothered to approach me directly about the matter. Instead, we just received this anonymous passive-aggressive letter in the mail. They even postmarked it and sent it through the mail, rather than walking a few doors down and speaking to me like a human being.
Working on lawns now, something I hate and would otherwise reject if not for building a work history to transition to the parks department, I have so much contempt for people with good lawns. They are fucking sociopaths whose devotion to green concrete is an existential blight on the world. God damn them for being so stupid. God. Damn. Them. All.