I wish there was more backlash about this.

Some of tech YouTubers like Linus Tech Tip mention the power usage, but meme about it.

  • hypercube [she/her]
    3 年前

    working in Blender, only like 7-8 mask layers that each have their own simple principled shader. Framerate is decent once it's baked, it's just that (I think) blender rebakes the shader each time you switch out of shaded view, even if you haven't touched it. Was fine when I had a hand me down discrete GPU from like a decade ago, but I've burnt through all of my friends' old ones and I can't be arsed with buying a scalped used one for like £150 that'll just die in a year or two y'know

      • hypercube [she/her]
        3 年前

        ye never touched renderman, but am in the same position as you because cycles only supports GPUs that can do compute stuff. Bit concerned about my rig once summer really gets going lmao

          • hypercube [she/her]
            3 年前

            yeah, probably gonna go for a 3050 because it's around that price point + isn't about to crumble into dust, and cycles works the same in the viewport + render so it'll sort me out on both fronts. and we should have one! Trouble is that we'd need to find a moderator, I'm too much of a mess for that lol