I'm a sucker for Egyptian mythology and not only does it do it well it manages to be somehow apolitical.

Given the Marvel franchise takes on politics this is a good thing.

  • PeludoPorFavor [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I was whelmed. I really like Moon Knight as a character, and the show was... fine. not bad. The CGI was a little wonky imo.

    it was political in that it had to do with 'judgment' for what you've done, and what you might do in the future. balances of free will and all that.

    like u/mr_world said, it's not a lot of content for 6 episodes. or should i say, they could have gotten a lot more done in that amount of time.

    I really hate the 'shoehorn a sequel into the after-credits scene' trope. in this case, it's kinda doofy since it's very important to the character