A small community spends insane amounts of money to fund people who are too stupid to be Instagram influencers, so they have to settle for being cops.


  • Tormato [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Man, that whole thread is absolutely chilling.

    The cops aggressively pushing off terrified parents wanting to go in themselves. While they stand around armed to the gills.

    And that shit about the cops on the scene saying that the killer killed himself, and then later the Gov saying it was the SWAT team?

    And yet another thinks that the initial reaction to the active shooter was that since it was believed to be an undocumented immigrant the situation could be exploited as political fodder for the RW if the spree claimed many victims.

    Of course the MSM can be absolutely counted upon to look the other way and not properly investigate any of these angles.

    (Addendum: there was also a mention of the police scanner tape missing something like 12 crucial minutes.

    Who knows what’s what. But the whole thing is just so disgustingly vile. The parents desperately pleading for action and offering to do it themselves is so heartbreaking.)