fuck this country

  • adultswim_antifa [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I was talking to an older relative (okay it was my mom, hi mom if you're a hexbear poster). My parents are very conservative so I've never really considered trying to push them left. Politically, I've mostly just stuck to presenting the facts that our system of government doesn't work and that police are incompetent people we pay to bully us, and that they basically never stop crimes.

    Anyway my mom is upset enough about school shootings to consider voting for a democrat :liberalism: just for gun reform. You know how when you really care about something so you vote for it and then they pass a law. We've all had this experience, yes? She said people need to :vote: right. It's been 23 years since Columbine and my mom has now seen enough kids die to consider voting for a democrat. She said she's going to write a letter to her republican rep and demand that they change their position on gun control or lose her vote.

    So if my mom has moved this far, maybe the riots will start soon. We already did protests in 2018. Remember that? People thought the March For Our Lives would break the dam. It's time for riots.

    It's interesting how America is becoming a collection of cultural patterns that occasionally progress into riots. :amerikkka:

    • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
      2 years ago

      The way america worked for a while was "you keep suffering and then once someone above you moves up you might be able to take their place" for lots of white people. I wanna say for everyone but IDK. Anyway we've hit the point people are all backsliding and the suffering just increases.