And it's been rubbish so far.

My partner had to go to work because her boss wouldn't give her the day off. My kids spent twenty minutes crying because they wanted Mummy to stay off and all I've done is clean the house.

How's your Sunday going?

    6 months ago

    Happy birthday! Our dog has been vomiting since Friday evening. Food just won’t stay in. Surprisingly he’s seemed alert and relatively lively even though he must feel terrible. My wife took him to the vets earlier and apart from the upset tummy all seems fine. They gave him an injection to reduce the tummy upset. He already ate a little bit and that has not come out so far. Fingers crossed.

    6 months ago

    Sounds like you should adopt an Official Birthday in a couple of weeks and get a re-do then.

    Anyway, I hope it gets better and happy unofficial birthday such as it is.

    I have had a lie in and did a bit of gardening. I'll get out for a walk somewhere or another after lunch and maybe settle in for some reading this evening.

  • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝
    6 months ago

    Happy birthday - hope all this is to lower your expectations for surprise birthday fun later 🎁🎂🍺

    It's my birthday tomorrow, which is a bit rubbish so I declared it a Birthday Weekend.

    Thursday: went to see Out of Darkness in the cinema as it seemed to be a one night only screening, which is understandable as it's a bit niche (but, as someone said last night, so am I).

    Friday: Went to my brother's for tea and rejected their birthday present (not as harsh as it sounds, it was a provisional present testing and it was decided to return the clothing and reorder). Then me and a few friends went to see Ross Noble (brilliant!) before heading to my local.

    Saturday: booked a big table at my go-to Turkish restaurant (all very tasty), had a good turnout then bounced on to my local.

    Sunday: taking it easy but might go to the pub for lasties as there will be pies.

    Monday: bad day for a birthday. Might just get a Chinese takeaway and go to see The Iron Claw. No pub because everyone has Mondays off.

    Thursday: Going to Dune, part 2: The Good Half in iSense. Not sure if it's technically part of my birthday (although I am meeting family friends next weekend and birthday, part 2 with my brother's family in a week or so, so it's rather a drawn out affair over a few weeks - a bit like my lockdown birthdays) but I might just declare a Birthday Fortnight and start annexing other weekends.

      6 months ago

      Well if all goes to plan I'll be able to play Rocket League with my brothers, which since covid has become our Sunday night tradition. We both have young kids though and his baby isn't sleeping too good right now.....Fingers crossed.

      • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝
        6 months ago

        That sounds like fun anyway. Some days you've got to grab it where you can.

        I had a lockdown tradition of playing Fortnite with my nephew and must restart it. It was a good way to stay in touch.

    6 months ago

    Happy Birthday! That's a shame about your partner's work. Hope your day gets better from here on

    6 months ago

    Happy Birthday, Daniel. I tend not to expect anything any more, I'm 48, that way, I can't be too disappointed. ;-)