Summarized, drinking more than 3 or less cans of beer (4.5%) or one wine bottle (12.5%) a week increases your chances of heart failure in the long-term.
Summarized, drinking more than 3 or less cans of beer (4.5%) or one wine bottle (12.5%) a week increases your chances of heart failure in the long-term.
1)Alcohol is confirmed as carcinogen even in the "molecular" doses - cancer-wise there is no safe upper limit, that is - except zero.
2)Yoghurt and Kefir also contain very small doses of alcohol (IIRC something like ten times less % than beer) - but based on what i've read (mostly on my favorite kefir, which I drink as I type this) the benefits overweight that small downside.
3)I recently switched to de-alcoholized wine (from drinking maybe a bottle or two yearly - I planned to do it years ago, but just two months ago I finally found some in my local winery), which still contains something like 0.2-0.3% alcohol but again AFAIK the benefits should be "covering" that!?
I don’t mean to sound rude at all but what benefits do you see yourself getting from yoghurt and dealcoholized wine that you can’t get from other foods? If you simply enjoy these I get it, but I’m kinda confused by the balance thing when so many foods exist.
Somewhat strange question (you can theoretically replace any single food with something else), anyway here is a "quick" answer: First of all it's kefir [to be more specific, low=0.5% fat one to minimize saturated fat], superrior to yoghurt in any paper/study I'm aware of (we are talking about hundreds so far); actually I don't even remember my last yoghurt, it was years ago!?
And years long research on it's benefits - including reading a lot of studies then drinking then reading some new stuff then testing bloodwork and then all getting into the (infamous) resveratrol phase and then out of it, it all "culminated" with de-alcoholized wine, and years passed without anything challenging my current conclusion and practice - that is, theoretically it is recommended AFAIK and practically, as I said, I am drinking it for maybe two months and one of the unexpected benefits - this is OFC 100% anecdotal - is better night sleep.