My girlfriends parents are white Afrikaners and are a bunch of chuds. I know they're wrong but I'd like to be educated on a greater depth than just racism and colonialism bad.
My girlfriends parents are white Afrikaners and are a bunch of chuds. I know they're wrong but I'd like to be educated on a greater depth than just racism and colonialism bad.
Ohh boy. Apartheid was more than just racism. It was an attempt to create a separate society between black and white people in which the white people basically used the native population as slaves in order to enjoy a first world lifestyle in Africa. It involved the removal of black people from their homes, if they lived in a "white area", and forcing them to live in essentially a separate country, called a Bantustan. POC were only allowed in "white areas" if they were working for a white person and had a "pass" that allowed them in these areas between certain times. By the end of the apartheid regime it even got so bad that certain doctors were considering/already experimenting (depending on who you believe) with using HIV/AIDS as a form of population control on BIPOC and had secret nuclear weapons as a form of deterrent should apartheid be challenged. Your average older white South African won't know about this, or will excuse it due to growing up insulated by apartheid propoganda. It was so bad that the apartheid government "forced" the NGK, the largest Afrikaner church group to my knowledge, to find passages in the Bible to say that black and white people were not equal. TV was only allowed in 1976, and only on the condition to spread apartheid propoganda, as the minister of communication at the time thought TV was "satanic". As for books/recommendations Nelson Mandela's autobiography, A long walk to freedom is a good starting point. The SA history website is pretty decent, here's their article on pass laws:
That website has plenty of other good articles as well on South African history. South Africa - The rise and fall of apartheid lays out the unfolding of events pretty accurately as well. New Histories of South Africa's Apartheid-Era Bantustans is an overview of the effects of the Bantustans policy on modern day South Africa and various intricacies therein. Joe Slovo's unfinished autobiography is also a good recommendation. Steve Biko - I Write What I Like is a collection of writings from an anti apartheid activist considered by many to be the founder of the black consiousness movement. This is a good article on the "Bantustans":
Apartheid government deliberately trying to spread HIV AIDS:
Here's an article from 1982 talking about the NGK's biblical justification for apartheid:
Thank you for the effort post! I’ll definitely read into all this stuff.
Reminds me of Modern Israel. jfc
There's a reason Israel is referred to as an apartheid state, the comparisons are there