Is the bunny children? Is it about single issue voters?

  • dead [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The comic is hamfisted because the rabbit is intended to point the gun at the wolf. That's how guns work. It would be too on-the-nose to publish a comic of a gun labeled "2nd amendment" pointed at a chained wolf labeled "the left", at least yet. The artist has to create an obtuse representation of how guns are used to control people, being used as a stake in the ground for a dog leash. Guns actually control people as a threat of violence.

    The left is suppressed by threats of violence. The state and police side with the right and use violence against the left. Violence is used on progressive protesters. Violence is used on union workers. Violence is used on people of color. Violence is used on LGBT. Violence is used on unhoused people. The right wing has a monopoly on violence.

    The comic tells the reactionary audience that they need to personally own a gun to threaten "the left" with violence.