• zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    It doesn't piss me off lol

    I'm simply saying it isn't helpful in any sense. It's just virtue signalling liberalism and not much else.

    It's the same mode of thinking that gets you the "13% of the population" type shit. It is anti-material.

    • Good_Username [they/them,e/em/eir]
      3 years ago

      It’s the same mode of thinking that gets you the “13% of the population” type shit. It is anti-material.

      I would argue this is a very different mode of thinking. The fascists saying "13 50" or whatever the fuck are trying to say "black people are genetically violent, so white people need to oppress them". When I say "white people (men) suck", I'm saying "The dominant groups in society are currently allowed leeway to act like total assholes, and some of them take advantage of that. We need to teach people why that cultural norm is not ok so that we will have fewer assholes."

      These are different. For one thing, I'm not saying that men (or white people) suck because of genetics, it's society through and through, every time. So the solution isn't "oppress white people/men", it's education. It's teaching the dominant groups in society that everyone else is human and deserving of empathy too.

      Also, context is important. If I were having an actual serious conversation with someone about society and patriarchy or white supremacy, I'd never in a million years use the phrase "white people (men) suck", because you're right, that would be incredibly, unbelievably unhelpful. But that's not what's happening on this post on a tiny leftist internet shitposting forum, now is it?

      Besides, sometimes you just have to make fun of white people calling sriracha mayo spicy. Like come the fuck on, I've actually seen people on twitter say shit like "oh, garlic aioli just has too much flavor for me", and I know that person is british or american or canadian or australian and like, if :lmayo: isn't an emoji that fits here I just don't know what is.

      • zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]
        3 years ago

        How do you plan on teaching against and subverting this cultural norm? Through what mechanism?

        The point of Communism is not moral dictation, it is the abolition of class conflict.

        It's again the same line of thinking that gets us to "those backward savages in the Middle East need to learn our ways" as a justification for imperialism and forcibly changing their culture. Rednecks are all just stupid racists who need to be taught the correct way to think etc.

        And sure, make fun of people for not liking spicy food, but it's not going to change anything is it?

        • Good_Username [they/them,e/em/eir]
          3 years ago

          The point of Communism is not moral dictation, it is the abolition of class conflict.

          Yes, and this is important, but if we don't also, at the same time, fight against white supremacy and patriarchy, then we'll find these ideas reproduced in our communist society. Because misogyny and racism don't just disappear, even in revolutionary populations. Cuba, for example, has had to work really hard to undo the damage that racism and patriarchy have done to their society, and Cuba is perhaps the most successful communist revolution I can think of. This work isn't done, of course, there's a lot of machismo and racism left in Cuba, but, unlike in America, these social issues are actively being worked on and the situation is improving.

          I very much do not believe that America (or "the West" or whatever) has any moral standing to dictate anything to any other country anywhere in the world and further, even if we did have the moral standing, I don't believe it would work or be helpful. I'm actually a little offended that you would try to equate the revolutionary education a revolutionary populace will have to go through with liberals trying to "civilize" the Middle East. These are not the same thing and if you believe they are, I think it might be you who needs to do some more reading and thinking.

          Also, really? You're telling me making fun of people for not liking flavorful food won't change anything? :surprised-pika: Who could have foreseen this?! I literally had no idea! I've been doing activism all wrong by chuckling to myself every time I see a white person complaining about spicy stuff! I'll never chuckle to myself about bland anglo food again, my bad.

          (That last paragraph is a dig at you because I'm becoming annoyed. I think I'll log off for awhile. Have a good day.)