• HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    3 years ago

    The paintings, he explained, were an aide-memoire of the iniquities of totalitarianism and the evil of art being subordinated to propaganda. He particularly relished the irony of having bought them for a song on eBay: ‘The most capitalist platform that’s ever been invented!’ [...] the paintings [were] put in storage. ‘They got a bit depressing,’

    Perfect encapsulation of rabid anticommunist boomers unable to accept that this is the timeline where they won, that they fought the cataclysmic confrontation against the red scourge and slew the dragon in defense of the homeland and the fallen world they rail against is exactly their reward.

    Fuck I've said it before recently but he's so fucking boring! He sucks! He's not even an original bigot he's just repeating shit other bigots have told him. Like he's supposedly worked as a clinical psychiatrist but he pretends (actually believes?) that surgery is a first resort for any patient diagnosed with gender dysphoria. He compares "making kids trans" (i.e., not sufficiently punishing them for deviating from assigned gender) to sacrificing them to Moloch and like at that point you'd think he'd have the stones to just admit that he's a moral majority born again christian freak but he insists on cosplaying as a serious intellectual.

    And like wow, you came to the conclusion that ideology is bad in the 90s? So fucking original! Not like that's the dominant message of the neoliberal project that peaked in the 90s or anything. Not like that isn't what every single lib removed with a television career has been parroting since the Berlin wall fell dude! Not like the very function of ideology itself is to draw an invisible circle and declare everything outside it "ideology" and everythign within uncomplicatedly true. Are you sure you hate Derrida?

    ‘There was a bit of contention during the talk. My brother said, “We don’t know what to do with you, we don’t know what to say, because there’s two of you. There’s the person we knew, and there’s whoever the hell you are now, and it’s hard for us to adapt to that.” They don’t know who the hell I am.’

    Jesus Christ man