i GeT tHaT yOu WaNt To SaVe GaZa, BuT i ThInK iT’s MoRe ImPoRtAnT tO sAvE aMeRiCa. OuR nAtIoN iS uNdEr AtTaCk. DeMoCrAcY iS uNdEr AtTaCk. DoNaLd TrUmP iS tHrEaTeNiNg To DeStRoY tHiS nAtIoN pLuS, hOw MuCh SuPpOrT dO yOu ThInK gAzA wIlL gEt FrOm A tRuMp AdMiNiStRaTiOn? DoN’t FoRgEt ThAt TrUmP sHuT oUt ThE pAlEsTiNiAnS aNd OnLy LiStEnEd To ThE hArDlInE rIgHt-WiNg GoVeRnMeNt Of NeTaNyAhU dUrInG hIs PrEsIdEnCy (SiC). tRuMp SlApPeD pAlEsTiNiAnS aCrOsS tHe FaCe WhEn He ReCoGnIzEd JeRuSaLeM aS tHe IsRaElI cApItAl.

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    6 months ago

    "First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a communist. Then everything turned out fine for me, because sacrificing others to save my own skin totally worked."

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      6 months ago

      We're on like

      • They came for black men
      • They came for undocumented people
      • They came for asylum seekers protected under US law
      • They came for indigenous water defenders
      • They came for some people who didn't want a "School of the Americas but for Cops" built in a park
      • They came for trans people
      • They came for Palestinians

      There aren't many fucking people left but the Libs haven't taken the message yet.

      • Magician [he/him, they/them]
        6 months ago

        I'd say they're like rats on a sinking ship, but I don't want to insult rats. If they had the ability to stop their ship from sinking, they would do so.

        • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
          6 months ago

          Rats will help other rats escape from an uncomfortable situation even if they have to sacrifice immediate gratification (treats/food)

          I'm not so sure about a lot of liberals