i GeT tHaT yOu WaNt To SaVe GaZa, BuT i ThInK iT’s MoRe ImPoRtAnT tO sAvE aMeRiCa. OuR nAtIoN iS uNdEr AtTaCk. DeMoCrAcY iS uNdEr AtTaCk. DoNaLd TrUmP iS tHrEaTeNiNg To DeStRoY tHiS nAtIoN pLuS, hOw MuCh SuPpOrT dO yOu ThInK gAzA wIlL gEt FrOm A tRuMp AdMiNiStRaTiOn? DoN’t FoRgEt ThAt TrUmP sHuT oUt ThE pAlEsTiNiAnS aNd OnLy LiStEnEd To ThE hArDlInE rIgHt-WiNg GoVeRnMeNt Of NeTaNyAhU dUrInG hIs PrEsIdEnCy (SiC). tRuMp SlApPeD pAlEsTiNiAnS aCrOsS tHe FaCe WhEn He ReCoGnIzEd JeRuSaLeM aS tHe IsRaElI cApItAl.

  • Egon [they/them]
    6 months ago

    I remember last election where I was dunked on heavily for arguing against the "harm reduction" narrative. This website is full of libs.

    • VILenin [he/him]M
      6 months ago

      I am requesting full admin privileges to thaw the peaches of those who would promote electoralism on MY hexbear

    • silent_water [she/her]
      6 months ago


      I've been fighting this fight since everyone was convinced Bernie could win the nomination. no you fucking libs, the bourg were always going to unify to prevent him from ever taking the presidency. and harm reduction is an eternal game where history just began and only the present matters.