In this case, the mayor is right. Preparation is better than ignorance. Do you know where the fallout shelters are closest to home and office? Do you have two weeks worth of food and water available at home? Do you have a transistor radio and spare batteries in a field-expedient Faraday cage? Have you watched the Civil Defense videos on fallout and fallout defense from the 1960s available on Youtube?
If NYC gets nuked while you're there, there's no fallout shelter or bunker on earth that would save you. Any country with nukes pointed at NYC is bringing out the big ones for it, probably in heavy saturation too. And even if it did somehow save you you'd be trapped in an underground bunker with no way out and the air is probably poison because there is a 0% chance anyone's bothered to make sure the filtration systems on those shelters actually work, so enjoy breathing pure cancer for the last few painful hours of your life.
There’s no way the fallout shelters have been maintained well enough to house people in a non-emergency
:astronaut-2: :astronaut-1: never have been
only reason America talk about them is propaganda morale. Hoxha embarrassed them with superior shelters and bunker which still stand in Albania to this day!!
:albania: :hoxha-turt: :bunker:
This was my thought too. Have you seen the bridges and roads that get used daily and how terrible they are maintained? So that but no one's looked at them since 91
Fake nuclear attacks in the US in the past 5 years: 2
Fake nuclear attacks in China in the past 5 years: 0
step it up uncle sam
Love seeing the spectre of nuclear war looming on the horizon again
I love the advice of stay inside.
Yeah I was actually going to head out for a nice evening of basking in radioactive fallout
The flash is Jesus coming to rapture us! Wake up, sheeple!
My "Apropos of nothing, here's how to survive nuclear attack" shirt sure is getting me a lot of questions
Ringing the "Nuclear War Is Happening!!!" bell to get votes today, but also to completely desensitize people for our inevitable plunge into thermonuclear annihilation tomorrow.
On the plus side, :posadas: :pog-dolphin: :posadist-nuke:
"Only Nation to Use Nuclear Weapons in War Broadcasts Totally Normal Nuclear War Preparedness PSA"
He's going to have everyone start doing drills ducking under desks that'll be turned to dust anyway.
Haha what if we sent politicians bomb threat PSAs. Better safe than sorry, right?
My old high school had a cold war bomb shelter for 250 people under the gym.
They filled it with concrete a few years ago. Betcha they wished they hadn't.
What a waste of aquarium space. People need to appreciate their basements - some of us aren't lucky enough to have an appropriate space for cold water fish.