The horror film follows a "feral" Pooh and Piglet as they go on a slasher rampage after Christopher Robin abandons them.
This only became possible this year when the first Winnie The Pooh book entered public domain.
The horror film follows a "feral" Pooh and Piglet as they go on a slasher rampage after Christopher Robin abandons them.
This only became possible this year when the first Winnie The Pooh book entered public domain.
It takes place in an enchanted forest of wonder. It totes is fairy tail though.
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Not exactly. Pooh does have a landlord, mr sanderz so clealry some bad stuff is going on
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Pooh isn't just volkisch, he's anti-immigrant and a believer in the Great Replacement conspiracy theory. Does the Hundred Acre Wood have Q, too?
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But you can see how the uneducated media consumer would see the two as similar and not have strong feelings about the differences tho?
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No, but a boorish freshmen attempt is how people learn to do it better.
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Is that an option on the table? Under capitalism we kinda get what we get and it took alot of garbage to allow there to be capacity for intresting stuff to come out. How many dumb terrible movies allowed evil dead for example. As you said they have no real staying power so over any set period time they functionally don't exist so there isn't much longterm harm.
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There is no answer. This is a fundamental contradiction we have found. We can just hope something good comes out of this. One of the directors who got a job because the industry was willing to try new people on low budget schlock ends up doing good art. That is the entirety od the 70s into the 80s so maybe we can do it again. That's be fun.
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He does black face to steal the farm goods of local serfs.
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I don't think there is a large difference honestly
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It is not a glowing endorsement. People who are unironically grimdark heads are sus. In that there is such a places as the media landscape grimdark should exist in it though. By existing it gives people more freedom to explore ideas. We have been alienated from parts of our ability to craft narrative and we should be able to learn of it. Even if it mostly sucks though.
Ehh, a surpriseing ammount of his stuff is about that actually. There is an episode of the cosby show where he spikes bbq sauce with like spanish fly. It turns out he was never subtle.
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I feel like erotic works are functionally diffrent than other works. You have some point, but I dont feel it is exactly applicable. However, at least of my cohort most people I know who had to figure out who they were got started with terrible fan fiction so there was infact a value to that being available.
I am trying to think of some clean example of outaider art pushing the overton window and allowing more viable products to have ideas in them. You are right since market intensification in movies that things have gotten just overall worse.
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It is an over correction true. But this is how we are provessing decades of right wing indoctrination.
Plus pooh did invent that one porn genera. He gets stuck suspiciously
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Actually that sounds kinda rad and I will check this out now. Ty
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We have the power to change the world if we try hard enough
It's the Hundred Acre Wood, which is not even that large. It's not enchanted, it's just a forest.
I feel that Pooh didn't deserve this. But hey, internet sociopaths love this sort of shit. It just has that "Barney the dinosaur is the SPAWN OF SATAN!!!" chud vibe all over it.
You can tell because the power of friendship and comradery always win