hello yes I would like to hunt your moderators for sport. it is extremely traumatic that I cannot do this.

why does this site only site ban? why yes, I do have multiple removed comments and have been banned from individual comms.

why is there no public warning system? no, no looking at the mod log at the bottom of every page is too difficult.

When I have one of my comments removed, I should receive at least one DM explaining exactly what I did wrong, why it wasn’t okay, and what the mods will do in the future to prevent me from writing that comment. My actions are their fault.

For instance, my comment with the names, addresses, and social security numbers of every mod was removed. The comment was constructive criticism and contained helpful suggestions (instructions for constructing mail bombs).

I feel very unwelcome by the normal users of this site not allowing me to abuse them. This is just like when I was kicked out of a starbucks for screaming at a barista when they told me they didn’t have oatmilk (just like my mom).

When I get into an argument with a user about the ableist etymology of the word “dolphin”, I expect them to agree with me. This site has a dolphin emoji. Discussing dolphins is ableist. Emojis are ableist. Telling me it is offensive and ableist to claim these things are ableist is ableist.

I was called “a fucking asshole” by one user after I replied to their one sentence comment with six paragraphs in all caps about how they are just like the teacher who locked me in a cage. I have never had a teacher lock me in a cage, but I have thought about it happening and that upset and aroused me. Arousal and desire enrage me and every time I am upset I get aroused. This is your fault, really.

The mods should do press releases for every ban. I should be able to read about the ban reason on the RSS feed I have configured for AP articles. If the AP refuses to publish these, the mods are not trying hard enough.

It is extremely suspicious that mods mass delete slurs. What are they trying to hide? Slurs are a fact of life and are everywhere. I have slurs scratched into my walls with sharpies. I have slurs spray painted throughout my neighborhood. The mods deleting these slurs is just like when those local anarchists beat the shit out of me with bats for drawing a swastika on the side of the local synagogue. It was only chalk.

My own comfort with my maladaptive behaviors always takes priority over the comfort and safety of everyone else. I am not responsible for regulating my own emotions. Telling me to “touch grass” is offensive as I live in a desert and do not have access to grass (this also makes you classist).

Just Asking Questions don’t mind me

    • FBI [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      I am very concerned that this site allows me to grant comments and posts “gold” awards, the infiltration of these emoji into the codebase is new. I know this because I have memorized every single emoji on this site and take exceptional personal and intellectual pride in all of my accomplishments.

      I do not need to check the opensource codebase to confirm because I know my confidence is well founded. You cannot gas light me into believing anything else and it is not at all fucked up for me to use this kind of language in reference to incredibly insignificant online trivia.

      :gold-anarchist: :gold-ancom: :gold-demsoc: :gold-antifa: :gold-communist:

      Clearly these show that the mods have locked a number of devs into a mineshaft and are forcing them to secretly code monetization and revenue features. These devs are also drugged up on ketamine and wired into iron lungs. It is the only reasonable possibility. Hexbear is secretly a VC funded start up, this is my truth and I am speaking truth to power. I am only bringing this up because I like this site and want it to do better (tm)