I’ve seen people online talk about it like being high or about “k holes” or w/e but I think they’re being dramatic. When I get it I feel a little out of it, kinda physically numb, and the room does look a bit strange as if the distance between everything and/or size of objects has been altered slightly, but nothing too serious.
I had a very marked "trip" when I did IV ketamine treatment. It's hard to describe but it was not subtle or mild. Not unpleasant or upsetting, either, but it was a very obviously altered state of mind. I mostly just listened to music while I was doing it. Pink Floyd goes really well with tripping balls on sanctioned IV Ketamine.
I had a very marked "trip" when I did IV ketamine treatment. It's hard to describe but it was not subtle or mild. Not unpleasant or upsetting, either, but it was a very obviously altered state of mind. I mostly just listened to music while I was doing it. Pink Floyd goes really well with tripping balls on sanctioned IV Ketamine.