• XKEYSCORE [he/him]
    3 years ago

    i'm generally apprehensive about the death penalty but i feel like certain crimes like this fit the bill for it. I also feel like 1st degree sex offenses should be eligible for it as well, but that is (strangely) unconstitutional in the united states.

  • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Good. :xi-lib-tears:

    InB4 western media scum wring their hands while our country kills people for dumber shit they often didn't even do.

  • kristina [she/her]
    3 years ago

    she was so cute, so young, and a talented person :sadness-abysmal: hate men. so many women have their lives ruined and taken away and their highly worthwhile abilities inhibited over man's hubris and arrogance. like all she was doing was doing a cooking channel trying to teach traditional tibetan dishes and culture and was widely popular because of how accessible she made it. and now her children wont have any parents and theyll have a video of their mom being burned to death all over the internet.

    shows that even in a society striving towards socialism male chauvinist behaviors can still continue and we must be proactive and brutal in rooting them out. there were also cops that were complicit in this and they were imprisoned.