A communist party advocates for a dictatorship of the working class, granting workers all power, which liberals fail to understand. After a socialist revolution, the power is in the hands of the workers, considering they formed it. If the communist party that represents them does not comply with their demands, they will not let this party have unjust authority over them, as they are now class-conscious and know their worth. Indeed, it’s fair to say that after a successful worker’s revolution in the West, they will know they hold all power.

Why is that word such a controversial issue to liberals? To have control over our personal futures is to have power over our lives. Workers who have control over the destination of their profits also wield power. It is a dictatorship of the people rather than a dictatorship of the capitalists. And that’s without mentioning bipoc or lgbt power. Liberals who vehemently oppose this are presently exerting their authority over those groups and denying them to be in charge and, additionally, safety from fascism.

It’s interesting how communists always support the underdogs yet apparently “crave power for the sake of it.” We want a world where all people are allowed to live a dignified life rather than a mere outcome of the birth lottery and their material conditions. Liberalism is the ideology of spoiled brats—those who never suffered a day in their lives.

As for the argument, “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is, in essence, misanthropic. Or simply projection on the person who articulates it. How could a communist, who dedicates their entire life to protecting the powerless, be corruptible? To claim everyone is corruptible is to assert humans are inherently as such—that they are so innately bad that as soon as they have authority, they become their evil true selves. I do not, and never will, believe this nonsense. There are good people in this world, and many deserve to have authority, not over us but the capitalists, with the workers wielding the power. Currently, capitalists wield the power, and the government has authority over us. It should be the opposite! The opposite is communism 🙂 (this post is primarily for apolitical lurkers and libs who love to downvote)