🏳️‍⚧️Edward [it/its]

AuDHD danish baby-commieDoesn't read. A cat

  • 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I modified it a bit for the current survey:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import requests, json, re
    url = "https://hexbear.net/api/v3/comment/list?post_id=2664304&sort=New&limit=50&page="
    headers = {"accept": "application/json"}
    smile = 0
    frown = 0
    neutral = 0
    malice = 0
    comment_num = 0
    skipped_num = 0
    for i in range(1, 8):
        response = requests.get(url+str(i), headers=headers)
        comments = json.loads(response.text)["comments"]
        for comment in comments:
            if comment["comment"]["removed"] == False and comment["comment"]["deleted"] == False:
                if comment["comment"]["path"].count('.') == 1:
                    comment_num += 1
                    comment_content = comment["comment"]["content"]
                    if re.search('dean-smile', comment_content, re.IGNORECASE):
                        smile += 1
                    elif re.search('dean-frown', comment_content, re.IGNORECASE):
                        frown += 1
                    elif re.search('dean-neutral', comment_content, re.IGNORECASE):
                        neutral += 1
                    elif re.search('dean-malice', comment_content, re.IGNORECASE):
                        malice += 1
                    skipped_num += 1
    print(f"dean-smile: {smile}")
    print(f"dean-frown: {frown}")
    print(f"dean-neutral: {neutral}")
    print(f"dean-malice: {malice}")
    print(f"total comments gone through: {comment_num}")
    print(f"total comments skipped: {skipped_num}")

    This is the output:

    Hexbear has more lgbt people than the liberal lgbt instances and it's not even trying. ![fidel-layup](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/2695392b-441e-40b3-a2e0-23a9aa020a5f.png "emoji fidel-layup")  ![fidel-balling](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/274afbef-3094-4758-aafd-2f98e534b44e.png "emoji fidel-balling") 
    The one neat trick: Visible pronouns that aren't buried in a performative section of the profile page where people can ignore that they exist.
    ![](https://hexbear.net/pictrs/image/3ce8f99a-5348-4521-9007-124181239567.jpeg) what is  this honeypot
    i’m not cishet i am the opposite of that
    ![waltuh](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/70853509-445a-49e9-8325-5ff420dcef0a.png "emoji waltuh") 
    I can't do hexbear emojis on my phone 
    dean-smile: 97
    dean-frown: 174
    dean-neutral: 23
    dean-malice: 5
    total comments gone through: 308
    total comments skipped: 31

    I'm not sure what happened to the comments neither gone through nor skipped (I'm skipping replies)

  • I use signal with my family. For that, it's quite fine, it doesn't matter if whoever knows I talked to my mum on that day for this long, they already know it's my mum. It gives me some more privacy, they can't tell what I said/wrote, and better group chats.

    But I wouldn't use it for revolutionary activity. That is when the metadata privacy matters, who talked to who and when. A quote I heard a lot (by some top US bras, I don't remember) is "we kill based on metadata". For that, Signal is not good enough.

    That is what I got out of dessalines essay.