I don't know exactly how to describe it, but I feel like the universe or something within os trying to tell me something and I'm so close to getting it. I'm going to start meditating for therapeutic reasons, but I was curious if there are ways I could better listen to whatever it is that I feel.

I know openness is important, but I don't really understand what it means to open up like that.

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    7 months ago

    I watch animals. There's some crows working on a neighborhood of nests nearby and watching thst process has been amazing, these guys are working together and strategically placing nests so they can cover each other visually. You can always find some bugs or whatever to check out and see what they're doing. Even if you know fuck all about the animal in question, just sitting still and watching em can teach you quite a bit.

    • Magician [he/him, they/them]
      7 months ago

      I need to do that more. I love following animals and watching them go about their day without thinking about capitalism.

  • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
    7 months ago

    Well, spirituality isn't religion so I think I may know what you mean.

    Me? I feel that one should not be alienated from their labor, should not be alienated from work (hence, why I'm not "anti-work" per se), as Marx elucidated in The German Ideology. I feel that one should have a craft that they love doing and should either strive to do that thing or, if they currently can, do it.

    Hell, I want to jump-start my career. I love the idea of careers. And I feel that everyone should have one.

    We grow up wanting to be astronauts or the fucking President and why not? We all want a role or a craft that we're proud of. And I feel that that's how we ultimately connect with everything else and the wider community. We meet people and bond with them over these things.

    If John can be a smith during the medieval ages and become John the Smith then that's a great thing that happened.

    But , of course, the problem with capitalism is that our labor and its product are appropriated by the capitalist class and, therefore, it's not our own and has not much meaning to us.

    No wonder Reddit has a large anti-work subreddit!

    But honestly, if you can find happiness in your craft, in creating good art or writing a good novel, then you've made it, and honestly, I feel that everyone should strive for that.

    Dunno if I'm saying everything I want to say or saying it in a way that others can understand, but to me, my projects, for example, and some of my work, and some of my activity, what I do, helps me a lot. @Magician@hexbear.net

  • GinAndJuche
    7 months ago

    Have you spent time in nature recently? That’s as close to connecting with the world as you can get, escape the human influence and embrace a place that is still wild

  • Comp4 [she/her]
    7 months ago

    While I am spiritual (I even pray), I consider it more of a way to try to summon good luck. I consider the will of gods/higher beings to be unknowable for mortals. So, in a way, I'm spiritual for my own sake...not in the hope that it will solve my problems.

    Funny enough, I pray to Christ next to old primordial gods...gotta cover all your bases.

    • Magician [he/him, they/them]
      7 months ago

      That's interesting. So you don't turn to prayer/spirituality when you're out of solutions to your problems? Or do you believe none of it works? I'm not trying to be rude, I just assumed people would pray when they were in desperate situations more than other situations.

      • Comp4 [she/her]
        7 months ago

        I don't consider most deities as necessarily benevolent beings. Some of them might be uncaring, and others straight up cruel. Even if you take the Christian God... just look at the Old Testament, lots of fire and brimstone.

        Prayer to me is like a plea to an uncaring universe. Most of the time, it won't answer back, but when it happens, it can be very good or very bad.

        I have been praying to Tiamat since my teenage years.