Voters in Jamestown Township, near Grand Rapids, rejected a renewal of an operations millage for the community’s public library Tuesday, leaving the library’s future in doubt. Those leading the effort said the library was indoctrinating children.
Look, when I voted for Trump to deport all those Mexicans, I didn't think they'd deport our honest neighbor
Not kidding, you can find those kind of takes near verbatim, reactionaries can be this incredibly stupid
Also the absolute galaxy brain take; yes I voted for this to harm this institution, but I don't think it will really. I'm guessing it just goes back to 'owning' liberals
here is that story:
here is another:
He knew Trump planned to get tough on immigration — building a wall and deporting drug dealers, rapists and killers. He never imagined anyone would consider his sweet stay-at-home wife a “bad hombre.”
fucking imbeciles, just immaculately stupid
So proud to be an American today
Actual cognitive deficiency on display here. Maybe the redditors were right all along and that's what will finally take down America.
“I didn’t think the leopards would eat my face!”
"I didn't think telling the leopards to eat my face would hurt"
Literally just expect public services to exist perpetually no matter how much their performative cruelty has tangible consequences
Look, when I voted for Trump to deport all those Mexicans, I didn't think they'd deport our honest neighbor
Not kidding, you can find those kind of takes near verbatim, reactionaries can be this incredibly stupid
Also the absolute galaxy brain take; yes I voted for this to harm this institution, but I don't think it will really. I'm guessing it just goes back to 'owning' liberals
Yeah there was one woman a ways back who voted for trump and her husband got deported
here is that story:
here is another:
I legitimately don't understand people like this. How can someone be this bad at thinking and still manage to breathe?
well there you go, electoralism does work! i guess maybe they're used to their vote not mattering...