SOOOO HYPE :meow-bounce:

There's almost too many new things to comment on, but I'm hyped for it all

  • ChestRockwell [comrade/them, any]
    3 years ago

    So what team are we hexbears going for the first splatfest?

    I'm torn between Scissors for the BIG MAN and Paper because "you can write devastating things on paper" :posting:

    • Esoteir [he/him]
      3 years ago

      i will follow big man to the bitter end :fidel-salute:

      unless at some point he goes team dog instead of team cat :lenin-cat:

    • GoebbelsDeezNuts [any]
      3 years ago

      I mean Shiver made the case for rock.

      "Rock is the shape of a triumphant fist held high."

      If you don't pick rock you're a lib!