I step out of Hexbear and into another instance for once and immediately get this shit lmao

I was letting off some steam about how sick and tired I am about working a shit job to make some asshole rich, and I made an off hand remark about how my employer probably belongs in a gulag. Further down the reply chain, this lemmitor asshole shows up to send me a whole tirade full of faux concern, breaking out the psychoanalysis to say I'm just an extremist full of unjustified hatred because I must be a bitter loser. Somehow they come up with this nuclear hot take comparing my anger at the capitalist class to a Christian fundamentalist hating gay people.

But the fucking cherry on the top here is sending me this comment as their very first interaction with me and proceeding to instantly block me to deny me the chance to reply at all. I've seen others use the block feature as a means of getting the last word in, but never to get both the first and last word in at the same time. And in the end, this self-unaware lib ends up calling me the overly self righteous one. Perfect.

Tbh, what gets me is that they were so fucking close to getting it. They almost came to an accurate understanding of the fact that my material conditions as a poor person getting fucked over day in and day out by my employer stealing my labor will heavily inform my politics. But of course they never quite reach that point, instead bizarrely veering off into psychologizing me, and acting like this is all just some sort of character flaw on my part.

Rule one: https://hexbear.net/comment/4738025

  • db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    6 months ago

    All this self-aggrandizement when it would be so much easier to just not generalize based on uncharitable interpretations, but it's more important to you to own teh liberals than it is to actually administer you community according to your own rules.

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      6 months ago

      You're trying to do a "no u" here, but it fundamentally doesn't work on someone who has kept sight of the original object of dispute. The original object of dispute is the vile, reactionary tirade from the user linked in the OP who . . . let me check . . . still isn't banned! No action has been taken against them despite you clearly knowing about their little showing for days at this point.

      It would have been so much less effort to say "Right, this user goes against the values of our instance, we're removing them now that this behavior has been brought to our attention," but for whatever reason you've instead chosen to sit here and mewl about sectarianism, uncharitability, hypocrisy, and so on. Don't worry, I know that you're only bringing them up because we profess to care about these things, they aren't actually things that you believe in or you might act on them. They are just conversational currency to weaponize, which is why other people have been calling you a redditor or a debate pervert or whatever, because they exhibit the same behavior of believing in nothing while trying to abuse the beliefs of their interlocutor.

      But you can't muddy the waters here, the object of contention isn't being attacked for being anarchist or otherwise "the wrong sect" of leftism, it's being attacked for not being leftist. You can't get around this, because this person is opposed to the most fundamental basis of leftism by treating someone's status as a societal outcast as though it were a moral condition.

      'If a soul is left in the darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.' -- some guy, idk

      The heart of leftism is the recognition that there is darkness -- systemic oppression -- and seeking to remove it. The darkness of socially necessitated poverty, the darkness of an enclosed commons forcing every interaction to pass through the hands of rent-seeking middlemen, the darkness of false consciousness turning people against the marginalized and powerless as enemies.

      You want this to be about tankies hating anarchists, but that's not what this is about because this dude isn't an anarchist! If anarchism means anything, and I believe that it does, then this guy isn't an anarchist. I don't know what he professes to be, but for any of these ideological terms to mean anything beyond consumer-identity, for them to mean something in a genuinely ideological, it follows of simple logical necessity that it's possible for someone to claim it and for that claim to be false. This guy is vilifying people who are left in darkness; Whatever he claims to be, he is a reactionary.

      Furthermore, -- yes, I still have more to say because you've tried so hard to muddy the waters -- I have made no claim as to what the majority population of your instance is. When I am criticizing your instance, I am not criticizing an incident of its demographics, I am criticizing it systemically. Perhaps it is made mostly of anarchists, I neither know nor care, but if it is moderated in such a way where marginalized people aren't protected and this sort of vile reactionary rhetoric against them is allowed to go unchecked, the instance -- not the population on it, but the instance itself, as defined by its administration -- is not leftist. If anarchism actually means something to you, then that means actually having to follow leftist principles and not just cynically use it as conversational currency to attack people you dislike.

      I don't hate anarchists. I wish that your instance actually was anarchist, but it evidently is not, given that you're apparently okay with this asshole being on it unimpeached.

      • db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        6 months ago

        It's just that we disagree what comments constitute "vile reactionary tirades". As always hexbears uncharitable interpret so that they escalate, so that they declare "liberalism" and high five in the dunk tank. Your judgements don't mean much outside of this space 🤷‍♂️

        Likewise, not all leftist spaces immediately ban those with even slightest problematic viewpoints. Some of us take different praxis. Whose praxis is best, well let's just say it's not my instance that is pretty much globally reviled as a toxic source of drama and de-platformed from all interaction with the larger fediverse 🤷‍♂️

        Our instance is anarchist, whether you like it or not. And as anarchist, it's also leftist. Your "no true anarchists" is as convincing as your "no true leftist". It's the classic sectarian playbook. Tacitly endorsed by this community

        Btw, let me ask you this. Is the Chinese state also "fake leftists"?

        • SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]
          6 months ago

          as a fellow neoliberal (demon from hell), do you think people who vent about their boss on the internet should instead stfu, watch andrew tate and wash they genitals until it improoov their life enough to own the company itself?

            • SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]
              6 months ago

              lets report the creature lol these reddit neoliberal types are all the same, i mean

              it's not my instance that is pretty much globally reviled as a toxic source of drama and de-platformed from all interaction with the larger fediverse 🤷‍♂️

              as if "the larger fediverse" is anything more than a bunch of terminally online rabidly neoliberal reddit rejects with 6 figure tech jobs whose opinions mean less than nothing

          • db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            6 months ago

            No. Then again, constantly wishing fascist re-education camps on people is not quite "venting against their boss"

            • SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]
              6 months ago


              nice stealth edit buddy boyo

              constantly wishing fascist re-education camps on people is not quite "venting against their boss"

              1. Bosses aren't people.

              2. Its ok to anonymously hyperbolically punch up against "people" who take the vast majority of your earnings and make your life a living hell.

              3. Re-educating fascists to be not fascist... is not fascist.

              4. Thank you for letting us know for certain that you are in agreement with that slimy neoliberal fuck and have thus been acting out of pure bad faith this entire time. "MUH SECRETARIANISM, MUH CHARITABILITY!!" lmao stfu you utter moron

            • SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]
              6 months ago

              well I sure do, and ill be getting an account on dbzer0 to talk down to poors (ick) so you better not ban me or delete a single one of my comments

        • GarbageShoot [he/him]
          6 months ago

          You have no ideology other than contradicting muh tankies. Look at your pathetically trying to deflect to China and your beefing over instances. It's absurd, and pretending that liberals accepting you means you have "better Praxis" is a joke.

          Attacking people for being marginalized is anti-leftism. If "left" means something, then it's possible to be anti-left. You yourself are making exactly the same fucking accusation about CHYNA being fake leftist at the same time as calling me sectarian! You don't believe in anything

          In other comments you even tried to distance yourself from that user's remarks, but when it's pointed out to you that you hold responsibility for the account, you fucking double down on defending that bullshit as leftist. It's ridiculous.

          Edit: This part is still bothering me:

          Likewise, not all leftist spaces immediately ban those with even slightest problematic viewpoints.

          But are you doing anything? Anything at all? It's not like you're going and having a talk with this dude, are you? So you're just letting reactionary shit fly unchallenged. Tell me, how could that be the enlightened pRaXiS that you claim it is?

          • db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            6 months ago

            Why are you not answering the question though. Is the Chinese state fake leftists? I assure you I have a point to make about your hypocrisy, not trying to deflect.

            As always, I don't have responsibility for all statements in the instance. People hold their own opinions. I just don't interpret their comments are uncharitable as y'all do. Feel free to ask the user to elaborate on whether they "hate poor people" however. I tend to give the benefit of a doubt.

            But are you doing anything? Anything at all? It’s not like you’re going and having a talk with this dude, are you? So you’re just letting reactionary shit fly unchallenged. Tell me, how could that be the enlightened pRaXiS that you claim it is?

            Again, just because you shout "reactionary shit" doesn't mean it is. I don't have the time nor inclination to play the secret police towards every commenter hexbears have a beef with.

            • GarbageShoot [he/him]
              6 months ago

              Why are you not answering the question though. Is the Chinese state fake leftists? I assure you I have a point to make about your hypocrisy, not trying to deflect.

              Because it's off topic! What the fuck does China have to do with any of this?

              That's a rhetorical question, it has nothing to do with this, and whatever concern-trolling you have about Uyghur genocide proving they are also anti-left is an appeal to hypocrisy, which is ultimately attacking my character but completely unrelated to the question at hand. Even if I say fucking Saudi Arabia is communist, that wouldn't change whether what I am saying here is true or not.

              As always, I don't have responsibility for all statements in the instance.

              Yes you do, you control the platform. Someone who controls a platform is responsible for what is said on it.

              I just don't interpret their comments are uncharitable as y'all do. Feel free to ask the user to elaborate on whether they "hate poor people" however. I tend to give the benefit of a doubt.

              What other interpretation is there for the comment? They've been prompted to elaborate and haven't said shit, but I think it speaks for itself. You keep retreating to vagaries. Do I need to reprint the comment for the benefit of your memory?

              I don't have the time

              lmao Don't front like this, you have endless time for petty bullshit like this worthless argument, don't pretend you're too busy.

              I'll spell it out for you a little clearer, since you don't seem capable of understanding it on your own. Your entire attitude fucking screams "I have nothing good going on in my life, so I've adopted an extreme viewpoint that easily allows me to feel superior to others". You see this shit on all sides of the political spectrum. An example you're likely familiar with and hate would be fanatical/fundamentalist Christians. Nothing truly going right with their life, so they adopt a belief system that gives them an outlet for their hate/anger/frustration where they don't have to feel bad about it because they are targeting the "bad guys". Someone who was in a good place in life wouldn't be posting shit online calling for putting people in fucking gulags. You can use all the excuses and mental gymanstics you want, but at the end of the day, you've adopted an idealogy where extreme actions are justified and right to take against your "enemy", and where anyone even slightly advocating for you to slow your roll is instantly redefined as an "enemy". You just did that. You start spouting shit about Americans, and when the guy said he wasn't one you just said that he effectively was one anyway and kept down the path you were already on. That's absurd. Anyway, your entire defense for your statements here is that your bad guys are the real bad guys. That's the beginning and end of it. That type of self righteousness is something to be feared, not something to be championed because you've "found the right target". Please note, I've not made any statement on whether you're wrong or right in your targeting. That's a separate discussion. It has been demonstrated time and time again in historical record the world over, that the fervor of people like you can and will be abused, and shifted towards wider and wider classifications of "targets". Anyway, I hope your life situation improves enough someday that you no longer find the need to be a self-righteous asshat on the internet calling for people's torture. I'm blocking you, so I won't be around to see it.

              -- good leftism, no cause for concern

              • db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                6 months ago

                Because it’s off topic! What the fuck does China have to do with any of this?

                My argument since my first comment in this thread has always been that you're all a hypocritical lot. Your statement It will help me prove my point.

                Yes you do, you control the platform. Someone who controls a platform is responsible for what is said on it.

                Lol nah. I just provide a service. I only control that people follow the rules we've set.

                lmao Don’t front like this, you have endless time for petty bullshit like this worthless argument, don’t pretend you’re too busy.

                "...nor the inclination"

                What other interpretation is there for the comment?

                Implying they're a sad sack of shit? Dunno, ask them yourself.

                • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                  6 months ago

                  You're lecturing us on interpretation and then unwilling to take the question of interpretation seriously. Your appeals to hypocrisy are fallacious and a deflection from being completely ideologically impoverished. I'm a compulsive arguer like you are, but I'm finally processing that, having decently demonstrated that you don't believe in anything but using words and values as conversational currency, there's no further point in talking to someone who doesn't believe in anything. Blocked.