I added the hard mode modifier because it'd actually seem :sus-soviet: to talk about anything else if those were included. You can call it your least favorite decade for other reasons than direct materialist or sociopolitical or socioeconomic reasons, too. Maybe you didn't like the fashion, or the propaganda on the air, or something.

Mine is the 90s. Fuck the 90s. The 90s saw not only the collapse of the Soviet Union but also saw the start of the "End of History" delusions and the rise of Silicon Valley. Being alive and politically aware at the time was terrifying, especially when seeing the unprecedentedly brutal crackdowns on protestors in the late 90s and the pre-G*merGate chud explosions that happened in the Woodstock sequels in 1994 and 1999.

That was also the decade that saw the expansion of the "petulant misanthrope is actually right about everything" trope in fiction, and launched Adam Sandler's career. It was also the decade that saw gayness as a punchline, tokenism as a cynical marketing ploy, yet also banked on condemning "political correctness" at the same time, taking one insincere step forward and at least two steps back.

It was also the age of :billdawg: :hillgasm: and that's terrible too.

At a personal level, the psychological trickery and market manipulation put on TV and in the newspapers and newsmagazines was disturbing to me then as well. A weather report had to have a lip-smacking demonstrative statement about the yummy tall venti mocha java that the talking head just enjoyed, and they had to remind each other to stay hydrated with portable "Aych-Two-Ohhh" from planet-defiling plastic bottles, and this was also when recycling was seen as a Pontius Pilate tier hand-washing of all environmental sins and so people both ignored unsolved environmental crises and also sneered at people that still cared about them.

Fuck the 90s.

  • Redcuban1959 [any]
    2 years ago

    The only good thing about the 90's: Hugo Chavez got elected in 1999 and Mandela in 1994 :chavez-salute: :mandela: