I’ve been working through all the games my parents never let me play as a kid using emulators. The idea for this post was inspired by blitz: the league. A dark and gritty American football arcade style game. It features steroids, corruption, and to the modern audience disgusting emphasis on dirty hits and injury. The injuries are emphasized through rewarding the player and mortal kombat style xrays.

It is not without humor (sending sex workers to the away team’s hotel before a game is a feature in the sequel iirc). The gameplay is fun enough and it’s really funny how mad the nfl got because despite the deep flaws it correctly pointed out the corruption.

Final score: “hey dude sniff this milk”/10.

    • DespiteAllMyWage [des/pair]
      3 years ago

      I feel you, a position that respects legacy while acknowledging the flaws inherent to being from the era.

    • makotech222 [he/him]A
      3 years ago

      Playing the PC port alleviates a lot of that. Theres some good mods/patches to make the camera and controls much better

    • ItsPequod [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Super Mario Sunshine stands alone as the best 3d mario game, fludd notwithstanding, it blows my mind how in Galaxy they took out so many of the quicker more agile moves I could do with Mario in Sunshine

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Which 3D Mario did you play first? IMO Mario 64 has absolutely perfect controls and every game since has been slightly off, but I have the feeling the one a person thinks is the best depends on the order they played them.

    • WEIMARUSSY [they/them]
      3 years ago

      I want to disagree with SM64 but I've played it so much that its little quirks have become second nature.

      Starfox though, yeah that's kinda hard to defend. Especially after everything that's come after in that series.