:gigachad: Why yes, I did beat the elf menace single-handedly, no problem!

  • AmericaDelendeEst [any]
    3 years ago

    For anyone wondering it's Anbennar and it's a lot of fun, they have a lot of different variation in play style depending on where or who you're playing as. Wanna do the ol Holy Roman Empire thing? Go for it, it's called the Empire of Anbennar, but you might have to worry about elven super france to the west, the human supremacists to the north, or vampires to the west.

    Get bored of that? Try an adventuring company in Escann, where they use native/tribal mechanics and federations to claim land and push back the orcish remnants of The Greentide which destroyed the region.

    Not unique enough for you? Try the Order of the Iron Sceptre, a company which can form Esthil, which has a mission tree dedicated to making your queen (you have to choose the radical when you form the country btw) into an immortal lich, using necromancy to oster the bodies of the dead to end starvation and manual labor forever. Yes, that's right, Fully Automated Luxury Necromantic Communomonarchism, praise Necronomic Theory for no son or daughter will ever again lose their father to fire damp, mine collapse, or flood.

    The country OP is playing is led by the first human king in Bulwar for hundreds of years since the arrival of the Elves, when the sun elves took control of the Bulwari Sun Cult as the founder of the Phoenix Empire was proclaimed the second coming of Surael, the only living god and defender against the Malevolent Dark, and his people proclaimed as Surael's chosen. I haven't played as them but iirc there's a mission tree that involves using a genie wish to make Dartax an immortal god king.

    Wanna try a different kind of sun cult? Are you some kind of freak with a monster girl fetish? Try the Jaddari, desert elves who follow The Jadd, a sun cult denomination which believes ALL people can spread Surael's light, and which have a mission tree and lore explicitly tied into having harpy waifus (extra beautiful harpies because of generations of elf interbreeding). They form the Jadd Empire, which uses mughal cultural assimilation mechanics. Oh and they can have 100% cavalry armies that tear ass.

    (Jaddari pro tip but when the demon gnolls of Zokka declare war on you, if you defeat their god king in a battle with your god king you instantly annex them, but be prepared for a war soon after with a northern neighbor)

    Do you like dwarves? Boy have we got dwarves. We got ice dwarves in Krakhdumvor in the north, with unique ice mage estates. We got adventuring company dwarves who I haven't even played yet. We got mithril dwarves, ruby dwarves, dreaming dwarves, gold dwarves. More dwarves than we know what to do with.

    Most of the dwarves are confined to their starting holds in the aftermath of the Fall of the Dwarovar, when orcs and goblins destroyed their ancient kingdom and wrecked their train system.

    Train system? Yes I said train system, and if you like trains as much as I know you do, rejoice, you can repair the Dwarovrod and enjoy a train system that spans half the known world. But first you'll have to prepare various factions and purge reactionary elements in order to recolonize and retake your ancestral home. Yes, I said purge reactionaries :gigachad-hd:

    The easiest dwarf start is probably Verkal Gulan, whose hold is on a gold mine which can't deplete and consequently you shit money. You'll have to deal with a huge corruption debuff at the start, though, and choose between 3 factions to end the stagnation and begin to recolonize (if you get all 3 to "ready" status you get bonuses for the two you don't choose, but it takes longer and there's more reactionaries to kill. I usually choose the "internal reclaimers" because they give you a free +1 to hold depth, so if you start digging and then get the reward you can go straight to level 3 and enjoy -300% dev cost).

    Get bored of mountain dwarves? Try the silver dwarves in the Empire of Anbennar, an elector with a unique mission tree focused around the fact that your hold is in a shitty little hill and you can't really dig deeper, so you need to fix that.

    Wanna be short dudes but don't like dwarves? We got gnomes and halflings, too! Try the gnomes and enjoy their unique early game access to artificers, who build magical technology and weapons and are usually only available post-1700s, as well as their religious mechanic which uses Confucian harmonization. You're also in a position to colonize the old world of Aelentir, assuming you can retain your independence from the kobolds, and from the powerful nations which border you. Succeed and you can restore the Gnomish Hierarchy.

    Wanna try halflings? Good luck, I haven't tried them yet but they all begin the game under the heel of another nation, but succeed in gaining independence and you can create the Small Country and give your people a home.

    Wanna just smash things and kill humans? Try the Frost Trolls of the far north, with a mission tree focused on reclaiming the land of their giant forebears as well as securing elves for their onion soups. They have a totally not broken morale regen bonus that instantly restores morale so uhhhh try not to abuse that, wink wink

    Yeah there's a lot going on in this game but I can't type any more on my phone it's killing me

    • SkippingAround [xe/xem]
      3 years ago

      talking abt short ppl and not mentioning kobolds or goblins :sadness-abysmal: kobolds were such a fascinating gameplay challenge to me, felt like much more than a gimmick

      • AmericaDelendeEst [any]
        3 years ago

        I typed all that on my phone and didn't wanna keep going and also haven't played kobolds yet so idk anything about their missions or religion except that the eastern gold kobolds are seen as good guys