:gigachad: Why yes, I did beat the elf menace single-handedly, no problem!

  • AmericaDelendeEst [any]
    3 years ago

    I just wish they'd at least add some kind of placeholder for the like 3 continents that are currently completely empty. I like colonizing but you can pretty much only go East to West because without those continents in play you'd need like 1000+ colonial range to reach Aelentir. And I kinda wish there were options to be a lich/do magic stuff without the Witch King (de)buff making diplomacy impossible (I just end up editing the event file if I wanna role play a good guy lich but it'd be cool if there were alternatives)

    Other than that, yeah, I haven't touched base eu4 in months

    • redthebaron [he/him]
      3 years ago

      like the best colonial game in anbennar is the serpentspine like there are the swamp ogres who are like on the edge of it which is great and dwarfs and goblins have fun colonizing but yeah i have yet to even think "it would be fun to go to aelentir

      • AmericaDelendeEst [any]
        3 years ago

        I like having colonial nations as subjects because they do the colonizing for you and make you look like a big dick heavy hitter to the AI even though they'll probably never cross the ocean to help you

        I wish dwarf colonizing weren't so damn slow, you have to wait years for the reclaimer stuff to end (god help you if you want a specific faction bonus but the event for the other two keeps firing instead) and then it's soooo slow. The natives are fucking nuts, idk what the devs are thinking, even with verkal gulan they wear down my fucking manpower even if i'm using mercs unless I spend hundreds of mil power eradicating them (and save scumming like a motherfucker when it randomly decides to not stack wipe them).

        It's more than a little absurd that, as the Jaddari with Verkal Gulan as my vassal, they colonize 5x faster than I can actually playing as them.

        The ogres would be more interesting with their Siberian frontier mechanic but for some reason the devs nerfed the absolute fuck out of that so you only get 3 settlers a month. Enjoy your colony 30 years from now unless it gets burned before it's done, I guess.

        Idk why they feel the need to nerf the continental colonial game so badly when half of fucking Aelentir gets colonized by 1500 between all the expedition spawns and everyone and their mother getting colonists out the ass