So on the weekends I would get as many as 15 and 20 people coming round. They didn’t all have the talent or skill, but I’d figure out the processes during the week. I had them do all the heavy lifting.

pointless radlib art about slavery, which itself enslaves the young and innocent? Typical worthless hackfraud :amber:

This is the movie for those PMC nihilist Extinction Rebellion Liz Warren voting nerds who just walk up to cops while crying about the environment and beg to be arrested. Radlibs like that always retreat to dogshit religious metaphysics about "God HATES us" and "the soul of humanity is inherently corrupt by nature" (disgusted Marx face) because they are smoothbrained idealists with no historical materialism to explain evolution, or capitalism, or really anything.

Reminds me of all those woke college educated people getting sucked into cults and end up in weird murder-suicides pacts following their charismatic leader. Its so embarrassing, we really need to help our PMC comrades gain a true materialist consciousness, so they aren't victimized by opportunist sexual predators with utopian and idealist false consciousness :epstein:

  • crime [she/her, any]
    3 years ago

    if other people are posting :jesse-wtf: i assume it's a weird bit i'm not getting, not necessarily because I'm old and out of touch