ides_of_Merch [none/use name]

  • 87 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 23rd, 2022

  • his captured agency delivered the fewest number of fines to Big Air, typical for a McKinsey consultant drone

    This week Briahna speaks to William McGee -- a Senior Fellow for Aviation at the American Economic Liberties Project -- about the root causes of the Southwest Airlines meltdown that left two million Americans stranded over the holidays. How much is Mayor Pete to blame? Should the US nationalize the airlines already rather than bail the out again and again? And how did things get this bad to begin with? A deeply knowledgable guest and a terrific conversation.

  • This is something I hear from a lot of managers, that it's very difficult to supervise their Gen-Z employees, that it's very difficult to give them feedback," Haidt said

    "PMC are working class, actually" :dsa:

    Notably, millennials' entrance into the workforce about a decade ago also caused hand-wringing among older workers who worried that generational differences would lead to communication challenges.

    it's extremely easy to communicate with workers raised after the recession, but you need to speak their language :gui:

  • ides_of_Merch [none/use name]tothe_dunk_tankBut at what cost?
    2 years ago

    The FAST Recovery Act states: “The purpose of the council would be to establish sectorwide minimum standards on wages, working hours, and other working conditions related to the health, safety, and welfare of, and supplying the necessary cost of proper living to, fast food restaurant workers.”

    Labor unions pushed for the creation of the council after years of struggling to represent workers in an industry known for high turnover, low wages, and few worker protections.

  • ides_of_Merch [none/use name]tothe_dunk_tankBig OOF
    2 years ago

    nothing but love for our aggressive autistic comrades

    “So, I think that the secret trick of this category of toxic masculinity is to promote a very precise — I’m almost tempted to say — masculine cliché of women: Women like dialogue, they are friendly, non-violent, and so on, and so on,” he said. “What is so fashionable today is to construct a certain image of femininity, which is an ideological construct, as you know, more gentle dialogical, interactive — so on, so on — which fits perfectly today’s global capitalism.”

    In signature fashion, Žižek offered a provocative example of (what he said is “almost”) toxic masculine behavior being used productively: Greta Thunberg’s speech to the United Nations about climate change.

    “She’s not this caricatural woman,” he said. “You know, like, ‘Solve, let’s have a dialog.’ — ‘No! Fuck you! What dialogue? Act!’ And so on, you know? That’s the women I like!”

  • ides_of_Merch [none/use name]tothe_dunk_tank"I got mine"
    2 years ago

    DSA public ideology: Liz Warren anarcho-neoliberal OWS voice: "true Marxism is free association between free producers, we need consumer freedom not Stalinist authoritarianism"

    DSA private ideology: (same labor aristocrat kulak mindset seen in Florida)

  • "there are stil people alive who lived under segregation"..."We're absolutely taking steps, but"

    Radlib idealist utopianism: "History was bad, but things are better now! (they can't give actual evidence)"

  • embrace the new alternative economy based on growth

    "patriotic socialist" New Right radlib Maupin who lacks any materialist scholarship: "fracking disproves degrowth resource scarcity, we will develop innovations in the free market to solve any contradictions"

    Forbes columnist capitalist scholar (actually paid to do basic materialism): "Shale Gas Is Not A Revolution "Today, most experts assume that gas abundance and low price will define the next several decades because of shale gas. This had led to massive investment in LNG export facilities. Both the assumption and its investment corollary should be carefully examined through the lens of history. Some analysts incorrectly believe that shale gas producers have already pushed costs so low through technology and efficiency innovation that sub-$3 gas prices will become the new normal. Although it is true that costs have fallen substantially, this is more because of deflationary pricing by the service industry than because of technology and innovation. In fact, the technology that enables unconventional oil and gas production resulted in a 4-fold increase in oil and gas drilling costs from 2003 to 2014 (Figure 8). Depressed demand since 2014 has resulted in a 45% reduction in drilling costs and this accounts for most savings."

  • values that should be equally respected.

    Neoliberals need moral relativism because they have absolutely nothing else going on in their lives besides "free association between free consumers in the free market". You need to respect me, I have nothing left but the faint veneer of humanity covering up my NPC face!