doctors began to give corticosteroids to mothers due to deliver early, to help mature the baby’s lungs just before birth.

jock docs: "premature babies, get swole" 💪 👶 🫁 💉🤱

Babies born so early are fragile and underdeveloped. Their lungs are particularly delicate: the organs lack the slippery substance, called surfactant, that prevents the airways from collapsing upon exhalation.

new bit: the Eraserhead baby struggling to breathe, but the toxic, soapy Philadelphia polluted air heals it and the father-of-a-disabled child character is like "YES haha" :sickow

Today, many hospitals regularly treat, and often save, babies born as early as 22–24 weeks. Survival rates vary depending on location and the kinds of interventions a hospital is able to provide. In the United Kingdom, for example, among babies who are alive at birth and receiving care, 35% born at 22 weeks survive, 38% at 23 weeks, and 60% at 24 weeks

that's not due to new medical innovations, the British aristocracy have simply moved on from their satanic ritualistic child sacrifice to the more refined and modern satanic ritualistic sacrifice of trafficked Ukrainian teens. :epstein:

There is a long list of potential problems — including asthma, anxiety, autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and cognitive impairment

this explains a lot about millennials

Preterm birth should be thought of as a chronic condition

"coming early again I see" :amber-snacking:

When she was 15, her navel unexpectedly began leaking yellow discharge, and she required surgery. It turned out to be caused by materials leftover from when she received nutrients through a navel tube.

is this The Matrix?

The scientists were pessimistic as they began a pilot study of a 14-week exercise programme. They thought that the cardiovascular risk factors would be unchangeable. Preliminary results indicate that they were wrong; the young adults are improving with exercise.