Shoegazer [he/him]

  • 416 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: February 17th, 2022


  • Shoegazer [he/him]
    totechnology"Hey I'm looking for [simple app] on Linux"
    1 year ago

    Some sort of diary app with encryption. I originally used Standard Notes but I had to use third party extensions for markdown since native version is paywalled, which is fine. But exporting is a pain because it only exports as .txt lol.

    Jrnl looked simple enough even though it's CLI, but the thing is that it only encrypts individual entries it seems.

    I ended up using RedNotebook. It doesn't encrypt, but I figured it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I encrypted /home + have a login password so I'm hoping that's secure enough. I just hate having sensitive things in the open regardless of how many layers of system security I have.

    I'm going to use Cryptomator anyway since I have to backup some stuff on the clouds anyway, so I guess I could use that to encrypt the notebook if needed.

  • Apocalyptic tech bros are the most annoying class of them. They sit around in their ivory towers, ruminating on an imaginary scenario in which Shodan arises after they have sex with robot slaves and scare themselves into a deep depression

    The news last week about a guy committing suicide after being goaded by an AI chat bot + doomsday "TI-84S ARE GONNA MASSACRE EVERYBODY!!" tech bros, I hoping there's some funny Waco situation in silicon valley that involves all of them drinking cyanide laced soylent

  • Shoegazer [he/him]tomemesgod forbid
    1 year ago

    But, that's sorta the point. He kills and fucks random prostitutes and beats women and pay for hit jobs, and he thinks being a thinly veiled family man absolves him of that. It's no different than any of the cartel hitmen or mobsters who wear crosses and go to church every week. Hell, there's even a scene where Paulie explains how they'll all go to heaven after 3000 years in purgatory for all their sins (murder, abuse, cheating, stealing, lying, etc.). The "nice guy" is the irony of it.

    At what point is crime portrayed as "cool" in the show? They're paranoid of the FBI every second of the day, all their friends die or snitch, his mob life ruins his family life, and Tony is a fat and depressed murderer who gets a heart attack for seeing a box of rice with a black man on it. The only time it seemed "cool" was when they visited Italy for the mob meeting, and it was the Italians who were portrayed as sophisticated while Tony and his crew were baboons

    The Shield is trash because there was no message. The only nuance was "Julian was abused because he's gay, but blue lives matter so he keeps his head down, and that angle stops being explored after season 2 because the actor is a psychopathic christian and didn't want to play a gay character" and "Mackey will murder a man for no reason but he loves his autistic son who never makes an appearance except 1 episode a season and is only used as a prop to advance Mackey's story". And The Shield always portrayed crime as cool. The corrupt cops always got the bad guy despite their brutality, the good guys gave in to the corruption because the world calls for wet work and we answer. Fucking Mackey somehow bags a bunch of attractive young women. The only time it portrayed it as an actual problem was when their own corrupt guys get caught, and even then it's about how they don't want to be arrested and not because it's, you know, bad.

  • Someone explain this to me. I'm completely perplexed by these dumb shit laws. I thought you can only sue for trademark infringement if another company or individual within the SAME industry or has the same type of product with your name. Like if Red Bull released MONSTER RED BULL where red bull is in small text

    How can some random media broadcaster sue No Man's Sky for using "Sky" when their industries are completely irrelevant? How can Monster sue Nintendo for this when their shit are complete opposites?

  • Shoegazer [he/him]tomemes*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    He is an entertainer first and foremost. So with that in mind, he’s above the average cast of streamers in terms of views and sometimes content.

    But don’t rely on him for anything other than laughs. These streamers’ commentary and coverage of the news is just googling things and learning about them live on air and then forming some half assed opinion that should’ve been thought out more.

    I don’t know what he’s like in private and that’s not really my concern. He’s rich which I really don’t care about, but there have been a few times where he flaunted his opulence which annoyed me because it just seems out of touch. But that’s not who he is regularly so again, I don’t care

    This isn’t a statement on him, but I do know someone who works at Lockheed who loves Hasan and dismisses that he’s a socialist or even leftist lol

  • Shoegazer [he/him]tomemes*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Is it still $20? It’s an insane price lol. I think if they just made it $1 they would get tens of thousands of people to join which would be more beneficial to everybody

  • Shoegazer [he/him]tomemes*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Don’t forget the “first they came” poem explicitly included communists because they were one of the “undesireables” who were exterminated by the Nazis. But it got changed to “socialists” because the U.S. didn’t want them to garner any sympathy. The US version is more well known but I think some European museums include the original