This is your daily reminder that the only good fascist is a dead fascist
Its amazing what the US will ban but cant just shut down 4chan, clearly a net negative for society.
The only conclusion i can come up with is that 4chan is a honeypot and its preferable to everyone on their own discord or other fragmented sms
I think they're content to let people incriminate themselves and log it for later
Has 4chan posting ever shown up in court anywhere? I guess beyond dumdums posting their manifestos that is. Not trying to argue with u just curious
I don't know of any specifics off the top of my head but shooters have definitely had their postings / manifestos / videos they shared on 4chan used in court
The FBI is definitely using 4chan for evidence, after the fact:
the more relevant question is, why is the FBI not interested in using 4chan to stop shooters proactively
Don't mess with football,news-1678.html
If anything the feds stoke it. They're on the same side as the fascists, don't forget.
It’s not even like it’s just leftists that dislike 4chan. From all of the misery that has been sourced from that hellhole, even my parents or just your average lib wants it shut down.
4chan literally idolizes and promotes criminal activity but gets a free pass because "Wow so KEWL! THEY FUNNY TOO!" Furthermore, 4chan has made it clear that white people, rich people, and Christians are the ONLY three sacred cows that can never be criticized there. It is most certainly a CIA branch of COINTELPRO.
IDK if /leftypol/ is a good off-shoot, but damn am I happy that a site like this exists so I don't feel crazy for thinking that people should not be murdered based on the color of their skin for the pleasure of another people with a specific skin color.
I'm guilty of using 4chan still to this day for the hobby boards like rpg and retro games, but my god is it bad. There's literally no reason why it should still be up and operating to this day, it's right next to kiwifarms. I still feel bad for using 4chan.
Yeah :reddit-logo: is better, but I think I'm banned from it in such a way that my IP is finger printed or whatever, every time I make a new account it's instantly banned. What can I do outside of a vpn?
I have this but while using a vpn. They're scraping all the metadata their cookies/your browser can take from your system. I think you can get back in with a VM and/or TOR but I'm too lazy.
/tg/ still has the best repository of pirated ttrpg books the only reason I’ve gone to 4chan in a decade lol. Tho it is annoying when someone asks for a book you’re looking for and you have to scroll through a bunch of comments of people calling them ableist slurs before someone finally just says oh it’s in “tehDustyShelf” or whatever they call those things lol
There's a lot of great pirated content shared over there. Problem is, it's a toxic nuclear helldump of fascism.
Maybe a community project would be to archive some of that stuff off-site
Perhaps even here, on a tabletop games comm that we should totally have if we don't somehow yet.
Hexbear has been around for years now and it's still a fraction of the size of r/cth, bans work
What do you get out of hanging out with a bunch of neo-Nazis? Not a rhetorical question, I legitimately don't understand the appeal.
It's terrible, but there's so much knowledge on the hobbies I'm into, unless :reddit-logo: has become better, but it's still filled with fascists too.
makes your mental illnesses more powerful :gigachad-hd:
Maxing out my stats by looking at 4chan and reading tails gets trolled.
Edit: wow, these people are fucking racist
Oh, then never mind :sadness:
So what, the racism on 4chan is also a dealbreaker, but you still use it out of habit?
I should just stop going over there all together. Their is no saving it at this point. Whatever pirated content I find I should just share on here.
I mean someone has to dissent there too and plant seeds that socialism makes sense somehow
They'll just gather at a new location. This is not to say that they shouldn't be shut down, only that it will have to be a constant campaign
What truly pathetic creatures living a truly sad existence
Objectives: [...] if possible get some news posts on this
Thanks, Daily Dot.
I wouldn't worry as much about this part tbh. I have a theory that this kind of motive is often fake; they say things like this just to create more tension and discourse ("platforming hate" etc) once the story breaks, and confusion around the actual motives.
Think about it: if the goal is to get media attention, they would have to be morons to think this heinous shit would do anything but make hundreds of normal people cheer for their mass arrests/deaths. So even if it is an attention-seeking tactic, the only possible outcome is the shit-eating spiral of failure they deserve.
I think that's often the case, but I think /b/ and its descendants' attacks on trans people may be a special case.
I grew up with a self-professed /b/[slur] (I was raised to be a cryptofash chudlet, it just didn't take), and the impression I got from his bragging was that first and foremost, they want trans people to feel their hostility. They're under the willful delusion that all trans people are suicidal, because they deliberately misrepresent statistics about the wellbeing of trans people who are rejected by their loved ones to portray their pain as intrinsic to being trans.
It's why they hate 'safe spaces'. They think that if they can make trans people feel hated at all times with no respite, they'll force them to detransition or, as is their main goal, worse. It's sort of like persistence hunting applied to psychological violence I guess.
Personally, I think the thing to do on normal news sites would be to report only about 1/3 of the details that Daily Dot did here. It's important for many readers to know that a social DDoS is being carried out against the Trevor Project, for purposes of knowing why the wait time is long and directing resources to the Trevor Project. I don't think general-purpose news sites need to include paragraphs of quotes from those nazis, though. I think that may do more for their recruitment than for turning the public against them, because libs will always conclude that 'there are fringe monsters on Both Sides™'
Anyway, apologies for writing a dang book about it. It's on my mind a lot
Potential new usage for it too, if any of these "people" have known addresses