• CthulhusIntern [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Cars represent freedom? Really, because back when I owned a car, I felt like a slave to it. I'd have to give it my undivided attention constantly, even if I'm sick or tired, I lost so much of my time and money for it, and any time it needed repairs, I couldn't do anything fun for months to pay the credit card balance for it.

    Selling that damn thing is one of the best decisions I ever made.

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
      2 years ago

      Freedom™ is when you have to be over 16, own a several thousand dollar machine, maintain it, insure it, get a special license, not be disabled, be well rested, and be sober, all so you can do an insanely boring task that if you stop giving your complete and total concentration you and possibly others die.

      Real freedom is stumbling bleary eyed and drunk onto the subway at 3am and getting home safe for $2.

      • Lussy [any]
        2 years ago

        Real freedom is stumbling bleary eyed and drunk onto the subway at 3am and getting home safe for $2.

        Genuinely the real reason why i hate cars and driving. Having a car is like having a dog, you have to take care everywhere you go, make sure to find good, cheap parking, make sure you’re 100% sober, make sure to give it water and food (petrol).

        At least dogs love you back.

      • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
        2 years ago

        Outdoorsy stuff is the top reason I see for cars to exist. The Jeep is a car that makes sense to me. Though for most people (those who aren’t camping every week) they should be a public service, where at the edge of the city you can take a car for your drive through bumfuck nowhere. But trains are better between cities, and cars basically shouldn’t exist within cities at all.

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        2 years ago

        If we’re talking long distance travel cars do have a certain “freedom” to them in that you can set your own itinerary and carry a lot of your own crap with you.

        That's because our country doesn't have trains/buses running on any sort of useful schedule. And also because air travel feels like you're paying a small fortune to get squeezed through an industrialized anus for a few hours.

        Road trips suck. They're uncomfortable, exhausting, boring as shit, and incredibly time consuming. They are only marginally better than plane trips and pale beside any sort of bus or train in an actual fucking country.

        I’d trade this all for good high speed rail but I do sorta get the appeal of having a personal car.

        No. You're wrong.

          • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
            2 years ago

            I just have some positive memories

            Ah, well, there's your problem. You need to be more curmudgeonly and bitter.

            Rail is pretty much superior in every way in terms of travel but there are a handful of advantages to piloting your own craft around.

            Yeah, I get that. Of course, in theory you've got rail stops that run right out to the edge of the Grand Canyon or rental garages at the more inaccessible terminals so you can just drop $50 and drive around for the day. But in America we're not allowed to have nice things.

            Again I’d give up my car for decent rail any day.

            I'd settle for some decent bus service. Can't even get that much.

      • pumpchilienthusiast [comrade/them, any]
        2 years ago

        I would rather take my bike to the park on a train, it would make places like Yellowstone and Yosemite much more pleasant to get the damn cars out of there.

      • 7bicycles [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I mean trucks do have by virtue of being trucks more carrying capacity than public transportation or a bike or whatever, but the whole freedom part you're describing here is basically because the entire country is bent over backwards to accomodate this stuff with infrastructure. That road trip'd be a lot more shit if you had to barrel down your 2015 Honda Accord over gravel roads.