I listen to a lot of ambient/background/chill/lounge music when I'm writing, or reading. It's a pet peeve of mine when a good mix suddenly shifts to a track with unexpected aggressive repetitive vocal sampling, harshing the mellow that was there until that point. :pain:

I'm usually not even looking at the tab that such music is playing from, but sometimes when the above happens and I tab in to try another link, say, "chill music to Hack the Planet(tm) late at night" then shows some pretentious glass-walled "executive" suite with a painfully-basic "infinity pool" at the ledge and some ego-insert somehow-both-rebel-and-artistocrat Hacker Hero(tm) rubbing his (always his, unless portraying a le sexay cyberpunkerino :awooga: sidekick waifu) chin while gazing at a screen showing a bazinga rocket or something like that because the Hacker Hero(tm) does all his own labor in executive suites like that and got there entirely by way of his own bazinga genius. That also harshes the mellow. :hypersus: