I've been racking my brain lately thinking of what are good methods to increase internal airflow in a house with few windows, all facing the wrong direction to catch wind. What are your ideas?

Edit: Breaking a wall to make more windows isn't an option.

  • StrawberryPigtails@lemmy.sdf.org
    5 months ago

    I have a similar thing with how my house was built. What I do is open all the windows that will open and setup small box fans in the windows on one side of the house to push the inside air outside. Seems to work fairly well.

    • Gabu@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      They're good for circulating air that has already entered a space, but not so good at getting the air there to begin with.

      • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
        5 months ago

        True. But I tried the fan-in-the-window technique and I think that if your window is so large that there's a huge gap, it's not terribly effective.

        I did have good luck one year putting a popcorn bowl of ice water in front of a fan pointed right at me on my desk. It doesn't cool the room, but it cooled me.

  • ShepherdPie@midwest.social
    5 months ago

    I open my windows and set the HVAC to "fan mode." Many of the ducts are right below the windows so it really helps get the air moving. It doesn't create a "wind tunnel" but it does help move the air around everywhere.

    • Gabu@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      I've tried various configurations of fans pushing and pulling air, but none are much help. The internal geometry of this house is wonky.

      • Achyu@lemmy.sdf.org
        5 months ago

        Maybe sharing a plan of the house would help(if it doesn't affect privacy or any other concern)?